Page 27 of Hooked on You
Jenni nodded. “Agreed. But it seemed it gave you a great start for your college career. I told Caitlin and your mom I’ve seen several articles about you in the alumni magazine.”
JoBell blushed as Scott and Barb caught up with the group. “Let’s push these tables together so we can all talk,” Barb suggested.
Marcie welcomed them all and brought over a few more menus.
Lunch was underway in no time.
JoBell was seated next to Jenni, and they shared a few stories about their school days and how things had changed from Jenni’s time to JoBell’s. Then JoBell changed the subject.
“What are your plans for the next few days?” she asked Jenni.
Jenni looked at Caitlin and shrugged. “I literally just got here maybe an hour ago, so we haven’t discussed it. Enjoy the beach, I suspect, and eat until we burst.”
JoBell laughed. “I have a proposition. Tomorrow is the third, and for once, Dare decided that he would take me and my family out for a day in the Gulf Stream. However,” she said, casting a glance at Chris, Susan, and SeaAnna, “Gran, Chris, and Momhave decided to bail. Too hot for them. Dad is going as he’s become Dare’s trusty mate on special occasions.” She paused, and Mike nodded solemnly.
“He couldn’t manage without me,” he said seriously and then laughed. “He’ll put up with me, that’s about the size of it.”
“That leaves plenty of room,” Jo continued. “Andrew, Caitlin, Jenni, would you like to come? It’s a full day but with the weather this calm, it should be incredible, and I know, well, I think I know you’d enjoy it.”
Jenni knew that Andrew and Caitlin would agree to go anywhere as long as they were together, and she didn’t want to be a third wheel, but since Mike, JoBell, and obviously Dare would be there too, why not go? Maybe she could learn a few things to share with Uncle Ron.
She looked at Caitlin and listened to Andrew who was in the middle of saying, “Are you kidding? Going to the Gulf Stream is a bucket list item for me. We’d love to go, right, Caitlin?”
Caitlin nodded happily and looked expectantly at Jenni. “You’re in, right? I know it seems I’m always changing your plans, but this will be fun!”
Jenni didn’t disagree. She thought back to her conversation with her uncle and knew she’d really surprise him with tales of this adventure. She nodded affirmatively to the group. “I am absolutely in.”
For the next hour while Barb, Scott, Chris, Susan, and SeaAnna talked about the latest island happenings and gossip, Mike slid his chair closer to the younger set and discussed what the day trip involved.
“I’ve gone out with Dare a few times now.” He smiled before frowning.
He admonished, “Whatever you do, don’t forget your sunscreen and a hat. He usually keeps water in the cooler, but Ithink it’s wise if you bring your own. And anything else you want to drink or eat.”
He looked at each of us in turn. “Jo, I know you’re good out on the water, but do any of the three of you get seasick? It’s going to be calm, but some people can’t even take that.”
He looked around, and when no one seemed to have any issues, he said, “I’ll let Jo tell you the really fun part. Like what time we’ll be leaving.”
Jo playfully shoved her dad’s shoulder. “It gets light so early, hopefully you won’t really mind, but we need to be down at the docks and ready to get on board the SeaAnna Two at about six. Which probably means a wake-up call at five. Is that OK?”
Jenni looked at Caitlin and laughed. “Oh, you so owe me, again.”
With a few more questions answered, the group disbanded with waves and promises from the fishing party to regroup at the dock early in the morning.
Back at the house, Jenni looked over at Caitlin and said, “I can’t believe that we’re going out tomorrow. This place never ceases to amaze me. I guess I’ll try my hand at offshore fishing. My uncle won’t believe it. In fact, I’m not believing it, but if my April experience taught me anything it’s to be flexible and take what Hatteras gives you.”
Chapter Eighteen
The docks were already humming with activity when Jenni, Caitlin, and Andrew pulled into one of the few remaining parking spaces the next morning.
“It’s like when I fly,” remarked Andrew. “You think you’re the only person in the world who would be getting up this early, but there are plenty of people who do it all the time.”
Jenni nodded as she took in all the sights and sounds.
There was a smell, a mixture of diesel and bait and salt air that was hard to explain but unmistakable.
The three walked along until they spotted Mike and Jo, and someone who was obviously Dare tending to the SeaAnna II.
Mike looked up and waved. “Right on time,” he said as he adjusted some ropes along the dock.