Page 31 of Difficult
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“But I asked for triangles,”Katie mumbled sadly as she slowly pushed her glasses back up her little nose as she blinked down at her grilled cheese sandwich that had been cut in half.
“And you would have gotten triangles if you hadn’t sold me out last night,” Chloe said as she narrowed her eyes on her little sister as she took a bite of her triangle-cut grilled cheese sandwich.
“You should learn to hide better,” Katie said as she reached over and helped herself to the other triangle.
“You really should,” the reason why she was in trouble said with a satisfied sigh as he dropped down on the chair next to her and plucked her sandwich out of her hand.
“Aren’t you banned from coming over here?” Chloe asked as she reluctantly pushed her chair back and resigned herself to making more grilled cheese sandwiches.
“Probably,” Cole said, not really sounding all that concerned that her uncle threatened to break every bone in his body if he ever set foot in this house again.
“Why are you here?” Katie demanded as her eyes narrowed dangerously on Cole.
“Doing an early check to make sure the monsters that live under your bed leave you alone tonight since I probably won’t be able to sneak out for a while,” Cole said as he shifted his focus to Chloe’s glass of chocolate milk.
“You’re here to anger them…” Katie whispered hoarsely as she threw a nervous look at the kitchen door.
“A little,” Cole said, shrugging it off as he helped himself to her chips while Chloe bit back a sigh and resigned herself to spending the night in a chair watching over her little sister.
“And the other reason why you’re over here?” Chloe asked, throwing Cole a questioning look over her shoulder as she started buttering more bread.
“I wanted to talk to you about next Saturday,” Cole said, finishing off her chips before he shifted his attention to the other half of Katie’s sandwich.
“What’s happening Saturday?” Chloe asked, shifting her attention to what she was doing and quickly assembled the grilled cheese sandwiches on the pan.
“The dance,” Cole said, making her frown.
“What about it?” Chloe asked as she glanced over her shoulder to find Cole devouring a box of Captain Crunch.
“Are you going?” Cole asked as he shoved another handful of Captain Crunch in his mouth as he got up and made his way to the fridge.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Chloe said, knowing better than to make plans that she had absolutely no hopes of keeping. For the past few years, she’d learned not to get her hopes up for field trips, school dances, parties, clubs, sports, or anything that would require her to find someone willing to watch Katie.
“Why not?” Cole asked, helping himself to a Coke as she turned the sandwiches over.
“Because I doubt they’re going to allow seven-year-olds to go to the dance,” Chloe said with a pointed look at Katie, who was glaring at Cole as she reached for a black marker and forced Chloe to wrestle it away from her before she could give into the urge to do whatever it was that had her lips pulling up into an evil smile as her gaze remained locked on Cole.
“And if they did?” Cole asked, throwing her a questioning look as she somehow managed to get the black marker away from Katie and-
“He’s evil!” Katie bit out as she struggled to get the black marker back only to realize that it wasn’t happening and turned her attention to the bottle of Elmer’s Glue.
“I think it’s safe to say that I’ll be spending next Saturday dealing with a closet full of monsters,” Chloe bit out as she managed to pry the glue out of Katie’s hands and-
“I knew it!” Katie snapped.
“That sounds like a good time,” Cole murmured absently as he used the spatula to grab a grilled cheese sandwich off the pan and drop it on the paper towel in his hand.
“It will be,” Chloe muttered sadly, watching Cole shoot her a wink before he headed out the door, once again leaving her to deal with Katie.
She could really use a nap, Mikey thought as she stepped out of the way of several large seniors as she looked for Sebastian and Cole. When she couldn’t find either one of them, she settled for grumbling to herself as she made her way to an empty table in the back and-
“Ah, what do you think you’re doing?” came the question that had Mikey biting back a sigh as she looked up to find her newest BFFs, who’d spent the past week going out of their way to annoy the hell out of her, standing in front of her.
“Minding my own business. You?” Mikey asked, blinking up at the girls that had been going out of their way to point out that she was a charity case since she got here.