Page 32 of Difficult
“Wondering why you’re sitting here,” Heather said as she leveled a look on Mikey that had her seriously wondering when they were going to get bored and move on.
“Why wouldn’t I be sitting here?” Mikey asked as she grabbed the chocolate milk off her tray and took a sip.
“Because the charity cases sit over there,” Nicole said with a pitying look as she gestured absently to her left.
“I see,” Mikey murmured, following her gesture to the tables next to the bathrooms.
“You need to leave,” Heather said as she folded her arms over her chest.
“Seriously,” Nicole said with a snort of disgust.
“Yeah, that’s just not going to work for me,” Mikey said, shrugging it off as she took another sip of her extra-creamy chocolate milk.
“That’s really too bad because these tables are for the football team and everyone that’s not a loser,” Heather bit out as she once again gestured for Mikey to move.
Blinking, Mikey asked, “Then, what are you doing here?” earning matching glares as Cole dropped down on the chair next to her with a sigh and a murmured, “What do we have here?” as he reached over and helped himself to Mikey’s fries.
“Ah, why are you letting her sit here?” Nicole demanded with a look of disgust aimed at Mikey.
“Why wouldn’t she sit here?” Cole asked, sounding bored as he reached back and-
“Why are you manhandling me?” Chloe demanded, sighing heavily as Cole gave her no other choice but to sit down next to him.
“Because you’re a pain in the ass,” Cole said before frowning as he glanced down at her tray. “What happened to the brownie that I saw you buy?”
“I ate it,” Chloe admitted with a shrug.
“But I wanted it,” Cole said with an accusing glare.
“I know, which is why I was forced to eat it in line,” Chloe said, not really looking all that concerned that Cole was glaring at her.
“Ah, excuse me, but we were talking,” Nicole said as she shot Chloe a look of disgust.
“What’s going on?” Sebastian asked as he sat down next to Mikey and helped himself to her fries.
“My new best friends, who can’t seem to live without me, were trying to put me in my place,” Mikey said, nodding solemnly as she reached for a fry only to sigh when Cole beat her to it.
“That was nice of them,” Sebastian murmured absently as he helped himself to another fry before he pulled a book out of his bag.
“It really was,” Mikey readily agreed.
“Are you really going to let them sit here?” came the demand that had Mikey biting back a sigh.
“Why do you care?” Cole drawled, sounding bored as he reached over and stole one of Chloe’s fries.
“Actually, now that you ask, I have a question,” Nicole said as she sent Chloe a pointed look. “Why are you hanging out withher?”
Cole went to answer her only to turn a glare on Chloe when she said, “That’s what I’ve been wondering,” with a long-suffering sigh and a sad shake of her head.
“Because I’m your best friend and you can’t live without me,” Cole bit out with a glare.
“I’d really like to try,” Chloe said with a sad shake of her head as several large football players joined them.
“Me, too,” Mikey mumbled sadly with a wistful sigh as she went to grab a fry only to find her tray pulled away and Sebastian narrowing his eyes on her.
She opened her mouth only to find herself wondering why Braxton was glaring at her when he dropped down in the chair across from her, forcing her fan club to move out of the way.
Clearing her throat, Mikey said, “You remember my fan club,” as she gestured to the teenage girls once again glaring at her.