Page 76 of Difficult
“You want to tell me what you’re up to?” Mikey asked, watching as Jonathan’s gaze shot back to Sebastian and turned calculating.
“And ruin the surprise?” Jonathan drawled with a sad shake of his head. “I would never be able to forgive myself.”
Blinking, Mikey said, “You know that I have no problem hurting you, right?”
“You do seem rather violent,” Jonathan murmured, looking thoughtful as he shifted to get comfortable.
“That’s because she is,” Sebastian drawled as he looked up from the file on his lap to level a glare on his brother.
“What are we talking about?” Mathew asked as he walked into the room and dropped down on the bed next to Jonathan.
“We’re debating where to hide Jonathan’s body,” Mikey said, her gaze flickering between Jonathan and Sebastian as she found herself wondering if this had anything to do with the weird looks that he’d been sending her over the last couple of months.
“We figured that out years ago,” Jessica said as she walked into the room and-
“You could have just asked me to move!” Mathew snapped with a pained grunt when his back hit the floor.
“This seemed easier,” Jessica said, shrugging it off as she released her hold on her brother’s ankle and climbed onto the bed next to Jonathan.
“It usually is,” Mikey mumbled absently as she glanced from Jonathan, who was watching Sebastian with that unholy gleam in his eye, to Sebastian, who was once again mouthing, “I will kill you,” to his brother.
“What did we miss?” Jessica asked, ignoring her twin brother’s glare as he dragged himself off the floor.
“Your brother’s up to something,” Mikey said, narrowing her eyes on the teenage boy in question before shifting her attention to Sebastian and noted that he couldn’t quite meet her gaze before adding, “Both of them.”
“They usually are,” Jessica said, shrugging it off at the same time that Sebastian said, “We’re not up to anything,” still not quite able to look her in the eye, Mikey absently noted as her gaze flickered back to Jonathan, who was now doing his best to appear innocent.
“You know what? I think I’m gonna go home now so that I can pout in peace,” Mikey said, not really in the mood to try guessing what Sebastian was hiding from her today.
“That went well,” Jonathan murmured, sounding thoughtful.
“I will kill you,” Sebastian bit out as he rubbed his hands roughly down his face, wondering why it felt like he just made everything worse.
“Fair enough,” Jonathan murmured, sounding thoughtful as Sebastian dropped his hands away, only to find his sister staring at him in confusion.
Jessica didn’t say anything as she shared a look with Mathew, drawing Sebastian’s attention to find the same confused look on his little brother’s face and-
“How much longer are we supposed to pretend that we don’t know what’s going on?” Jessica asked, followed by Mathew muttering, “It’s getting sad,” as he dropped down on Braxton’s bed.
“What are you talking about?” Sebastian asked as he reached for the folder Mrs. Blaine gave him after the last board meeting only to go still when Jessica said, “Mikey.”
Clenching his jaw, Sebastian looked at Jonathan and-
“I didn’t tell them,” Jonathan said, sounding bored as he gestured for Jessica to grab a book off the nightstand for him.
“He didn’t have to,” Jessica said, shrugging it off as she reached over and grabbed the book on the French Revolution that Sebastian finished last night and handed it to Jonathan.
“That’s because there’s nothing to tell,” Sebastian said, refusing to talk about this with them.
He knew better.
God, did he know better than to tell any of his siblings or cousins how he felt about Mikey. They’d torment him every chance they got and enjoy every minute of his downfall, which was the reason why he refused to confirm Jonathan’s suspicions about Mikey. As long as he didn’t admit how he felt about Mikey, Jonathan would be satisfied with silently mocking him in front of her and bugging the hell out of him every chance he got, but the moment that he knew for sure…
Jonathan would make his life a living hell.
“Are you sure about that?” Jonathan asked casually as he watched Sebastian while he absently turned the book over in his hands.