Page 77 of Difficult
“Positive,” Sebastian muttered absently, making sure to sound bored as he shifted his focus to the file in his hand, knowing that the only way to get Jonathan to drop it was to ignore him and he’d eventually grow bored and move onto something else.
“Then, you don’t mind if I talk to Mikey about this instead, right?” Jonathan drawled, making Sebastian’s stomach drop as he slowly looked up and-
Oh, god, no…
-found Jonathan holding his phone.
“Don’t,” Sebastian bit out, never taking his eyes off his brother as he tossed the folder back on the desk.
“Don’t what?” Jonathan asked, blinking. “Help you?”
“I’m not kidding,” Sebastian said, moving to get up only to end up swallowing hard as he watched Jonathan absently scroll through his phone.
“I didn’t think you were,” Jonathan murmured as Sebastian slowly stood up.
“Give me the phone, Jonathan,” Sebastian said, nervously licking his lips as he watched his brother.
“If I do, will you ask her out?” Jonathan asked, stopping mid-scroll to shoot him a questioning look.
“I will beat the hell out of you if you don’t give me my phone right now,” Sebastian said as he took a step towards the bed just as Braxton walked into the room and-
“I’ll take that as a ‘no’,” Jonathan said as he tossed the phone across the room to Braxton before Sebastian could grab it.
“Give me the phone,” Sebastian snapped as he moved towards Braxton only to have the little bastard toss the phone over his head, forcing him to turn around just in time to see Jonathan shoot him a wink as he raced out of the room.
“This isn’t going to end well,” Braxton said, shrugging it off as Sebastian moved his ass.
“Come and get it!” Jonathan said tauntingly as Sebastian raced out of their bedroom, only to curse when he spotted the little bastard grinning from the safety of the bathroom as he closed the door. Trying not to panic, Sebastian made his way to the bathroom door only to feel his stomach drop when he heard the unmistakable sounds of the lock clicking into place.
“Open the door,” Sebastian bit out quietly as he threw a panicked look over his shoulder towards the stairs as he tried the doorknob.
“Shhh, not while I’m helping,” came the reply that had Sebastian frantically trying to open the door.
“You’re not helping, jackass. Open the door,” Sebastian hissed as he gave up trying to open the door and began a frantic search for the key.
“I really don’t think that would be in my best interest.”
“Open the door!” Sebastian bit out as he reached up and ran his fingertips over the top of the doorway, frantically searching for the key so that he could stop Jonathan before he could ruin everything.
“I really don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh as Sebastian gave up searching the top of the door frame and tried the doorknob again.
“I think it’s a great idea,” Sebastian said, trying the knob again as he shoved his shoulder against the door and pushed.
“I might consider opening the door…” Jonathan said, letting his words trail off as Sebastian stood there, swallowing hard as he considered his options, try to break the door down or…
“What do you want?” Sebastian asked, sighing in defeat as he dropped his forehead against the bathroom door.
“Besides, for you to admit that you thank God every day that I’m your brother?” came the question that had Sebastian’s hands clenching into fists against the bathroom door.
“Besides that,” Sebastian bit out, willing his brother to get to the point.
“First, I’d like you to admit that you like Mikey,” Jonathan murmured, sounding thoughtful.
“She’s my best friend. Of course, I like her,” Sebastian said, hoping beyond hope that his brother took pity on him and let this go.
“That’s really not going to work for me,” Jonathan said with a heartfelt sigh.
“Jonathan,”Sebastian bit out in warning.