Page 78 of Difficult
“Tell me why you’ve been working so damn much.”
“I’m saving for something,” Sebastian said, praying that was enough to get his brother to let this go.
“I already know that. For what?” Jonathan asked, sounding thoughtful.
“Are you going to open the door?” Sebastian demanded only to have his brother counter with, “Are you going to tell me what I want to know?”
“It’s none of your business. Just open the damn door,” Sebastian said as he slowly exhaled and-
“I would, but I’m kind of busy asking Mikey out and all.”
* * *
“Stupid teenage boys,”Mikey muttered as she made her way upstairs, grumbling every inch of the way as she debated going back across the street and beating the hell out of Sebastian with a pillow until he told her what he was hiding from her and there was absolutely no doubt in her mind that he was hiding something from her.
Once upon a time, Sebastian used to tell her everything, but that all changed a few months ago. Now, she barely saw him and when she did, he was usually too exhausted to do anything more than pass out and-
She missed him, Mikey thought on a pathetic sigh as she walked into her bedroom to find Sebastian tearing her room apart.
For a moment, Mikey considered asking him what he was doing, but…
She wanted to see where this was going.
With that in mind, Mikey closed her bedroom door behind her as she watched Sebastian frantically search under her pillows, only to toss them over his shoulder seconds later so that he could run his hands over her sheets. When he didn’t find what he was looking for, Sebastian ripped the sheets and blankets off her bed, released a muttered curse, looked under her mattress, under her bed, and behind her nightstand.
“Where the hell is it?” Sebastian muttered, ramming his fingers through his hair as he looked around her room.
“Where’s what?” Mikey asked, only to watch Sebastian’s gaze turn panicked when he saw her standing there.
She watched his mouth work soundlessly for a moment before he finally managed to get out, “Your phone.”
“Right here?” Mikey said, pulling her phone out of her back pocket.
“Oh, thank god…” Sebastian started to say, only to curse when she moved to check her messages and-
“Umm, what are you doing?” Mikey couldn’t help but wonder as she pulled her hand back when he went to grab it from her.
“Nothing,” Sebastian said, blinking down at her.
Slowly nodding, Mikey said, “Okay. I guess we can get back to that in a moment. You want to tell me why I found you in my room having a nervous breakdown?”
“I wasn’t having a nervous breakdown,” Sebastian said, swallowing hard as his gaze flickered to the phone in her hand.
“What would you call it?” Mikey asked as she raised her phone and watched as his gaze tracked the move.
“Enjoying the benefits of having a twin brother,” Sebastian said, swallowing hard as he moved closer only to have her step out of the way.
“You’refraternaltwins,” Mikey pointed out as she moved to the side and backed up, watching the way that his eyes stayed locked on her phone as he followed her. “What exactly is it that you don’t want me to see?”
She watched as he sent a panicked look towards her phone as he muttered, “Nothing.”
“Then, you don’t mind if I check my messages?” Mikey asked, watching as a muscle in his jaw clenched firmly.
“Not at all,” Sebastian said, shrugging it off like it was no big deal, but it was that panicked look in his eye that had her lips pulling up into a smile as she took a step back.
“What don’t you want me to see, Sebastian?” Mikey asked in a teasing tone as she took another step back.
“Nothing,” Sebastian said as he matched the move, only to swallow hard when she took another step back.