Page 1 of The Vegas Ultimatum
I knew she was off limits. But I won’t tell if she won’t.
Reed Monroe
I accepted a job offer in Vegas. Crazy, I know, but the jobs here just weren’t cutting it, and we don’t even want to talk about the student loans I’ve racked up.
Coincidentally, my best friend, Troy’s, little sister lives there, so when he suggested I stay with her until my new place is ready, I jumped at the offer. But when he makes me promise to keep my hands to myself while I’m there, all I can do is laugh. Yeah, like I’d want to do anything withher!
Gina Stewart is far from the little girl I remember.
After a night of fun on the Strip and one too many drinks, I find myself sitting at a black jack table, my entire savings wagered on one hand. Yep, you read that right—one hand. Stupid, I know. The turn of a single card changes everything, and not for the better.
Thank goodness Gina’s pretty cool with me hanging around a little bit longer. In fact, we both kind of like the way it’s working out. A little too much, actually.
When I fall asleep in her bed only to wake up with her in my arms, how are we supposed to explain that one? I’ve already had myself in one jam, but now I’m left dealing with another…
“We’d like to have you as part of our team.” Royce McMurray taps his ball-point pen against the yellow legal pad sitting on the table in front of him.
I nervously rub my sweaty palms together while my left foot bounces against the floor. It’s no secret that video conferences make me nervous as fuck. I mean, I’ll grab my phone and shoot a video of myself or of me and my best friend, Troy, doing something stupid while we’re hanging out, but when it comes to this job interview shit…
Wait. What did he say?
I sit up straight and subtly adjust my tie. I own two, by the way, and no, I’ve never used them for anything other than what they’re supposed to be used for. Seriously, I’m not into the kinky stuff, although, if some chick wants to tie me to her bed and you know, take advantage of me, I’m not going to tell her no. Hell no! Would you?
Okay then.
“Sir, I’d be honored. Wow! This is incredible.” My voice cracks and I hope I don’t look as stupid as I sound.
Royce McMurray sits up straight in his chair. “Excellent. I’ll work on getting your contract ready and have my secretary forward it to you by this afternoon. In the meantime, would you like for her to set you up with a couple of real estate agents in the area?”
“I’d appreciate that, sir. Thank you.”
“Mr. Monroe, welcome toMcMurray, Fields, and Johnston.”
The video ends and I stare at the computer screen for the longest time, a Cheshire cat grin plastered on my face. I got the job. I got the freaking job!
I’d interviewed with a couple of local firms, but none of them were interested in hiring someone right out of law school. One wanted a minimum of five years’ experience—which made me look stupid since they hadn’t bothered to disclose that tiny bit of information up front—and another one wanted me to intern first, before they’d consider discussing pay. I’ve already done that shit, hours and hours worth, mind you. I can’t afford to work for free for one week, let alone six. Not unless they want to discuss paying off my student loans.
At some point, I still need to take the bar exam, but first things first.
I jump when my phone rings and quickly swipe my finger across the screen when I see it’s Troy. “Dude, you’re not going to believe this shit!”
“You won the lottery?” he asks.
The response is typical for him, so it doesn’t surprise me at all. Even if Alabama had a lottery, I’m not really the gambling type.
“Remember me telling you about the law firm in Vegas that was advertising for a legal assistant? The listing was on the job search website you suggested I use. You actually dared me to apply.”
“Yeah, I remember.” Troy bursts out laughing. “Did you go thru with it? Don’t tell me they called.”
“I just had my third interview with one of the partners and he offered me a fucking job. Can you believe it? They actually want me to come work for them.”
“In Las Vegas?” Troy goes silent while he waits for my reply.
“Yes, you moron. In Vegas.”
“Cha’ ching! Party time.”
“You moron.” I can’t help laughing at my best friend. Troy’s financial situation isn’t much better than my own, but at least he has a steady income coming in now. And no student loans to worry about, considering he dropped out after one semester! As for me, I’ll be paying on mine until I’m sixty unless some miracle happens.