Page 2 of The Vegas Ultimatum
“Bro, does this mean you’re going to be leaving me?”
“Unless you want to move, too,” I add, the reality of everything finally sinking in. At some point, I need to make a trip out there to find a place. I need to figure out how I’m going to get my stuff there. Then, there’s my car to think about. Will it even make it that far if I drive it.
“Gina loves it there. I don’t think she’ll ever move back. Speaking of Gina, you should hook up with her. I’m sure she could give you a few pointers, maybe even recommend some places for you to check out.”
“I totally forgot she lives there.” Troy’s younger sister was such an annoying little brat while we were growing up. She was one of the reasons why he’d always wanted to sleep over at our place. So he didn’t have to listen to her constant whining.
“Heck, she’d probably let you stay there for a few days until you can figure out what you’re doing.”
“You think so? You don’t think she’d mind?”
“She’s gone most of the time anyway, so I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem.”
“Oh yeah? What’s she doing these days?”
“She’s a nurse at one of the hospitals. She also does volunteer work for a women’s clinic. It’s been almost two years since she’s been home and my parents are pissed. I mean, they’re proud of her, but having everyone but her at home for the holidays isn’t something my momma takes lightly. I’ll send her a message and let you know what she says. I know this job situation hasn’t been easy for you, but man, I’m proud of you.”
“This calls for a celebration. Want to grab a beer or something? We could go over toMarty’sand see what’s going on there. Play a game or two of pool while the game is on.” Not that I can afford to do much of anything, but moments like this don’t happen often.
“I’m up for that. First, though, could you swing by and pick me up at the dealership? That recall on my car, well, looks like someone used the part that they’d ordered for me and now they’re having to get another one overnighted. They didn’t realize it untilafterthey’d dropped the fuel tank. Of course, they don’t have a loaner vehicle either.”
“Yeah, let me change out of this suit and into something else. Something a little less…stuffy.” I give the tie a tug, removing it from around my neck.
“I’ll wait for you out front.”
I end the call with Troy and walk over to peer out the window as the reality of the day’s events finally sinks in. Sin City, the city that never sleeps…I’m going to Vegas. I’m going to fucking Vegas!
“This place is fucking insane and I haven’t even made it out of the airport yet!” I step to the side, out of the way of people coming and going in all directions, to let Troy know my plane just landed. “There’s slot machines everywhere. It’s unreal!”
“I’ve heard it’s like that day and night. You’re making me want to hop on a plane and fly out there.”
“I hate you couldn’t get the time off from work to come with me, but I get it. Things just sort of happened so quickly. The job, the apartment. The fact there was one furnished unit left and the manager was willing to hold it until I could get here.”
“You definitely got lucky. From the pictures you showed me, you got one heck of a deal too.”
“It’s almost too good to be true. I feel like I’m going to wake up and realize it’s all been a dream.”
“You’ve worked hard and if anyone deserves this chance, it’s you,” Troy points out. “Don’t forget to reach out to Gina if you need something. Your new place isn’t all that far from her, so you should hook up sometime. Let her show you around.”
“Yeah, I’ll have to do that once I’m settled in.” I glance down at my watch and a wave a panic washes over me. “Look, I need to figure out where baggage claim is so I can get my things. I’m supposed to meet with the guy at the complex in an hour to sign my lease and pick up the keys.”
“Later, man. Good luck.”
I lift the handle on my small suitcase and head towards the tram. To think I crammed everything that I could into two large suitcases, this carry-on, and a backpack still blows my mind. At some point I’ll make a trip back home for the rest, but for now, I’ll have to make-do with what I have.
I barely have time to grab onto the leather strap overhead before the tram zooms from one building to the next.Whoa!Thank goodness I was paying attention to the announcement on the loudspeaker or else I would’ve busted my ass right here in front of everyone.
Maneuvering my stuff from the baggage area to the sidewalk isn’t an easy task—thank goodness for automatic doors—and I finally make my way out to the sidewalk. Cabs are lined against the curb and I head towards the closest one.
The driver helps lift my things into the back of his car and before I can even catch my breath, he’s already pulled out into traffic. Oh, the joys of living in a big city.
Despite several attempts to have a conversation with him—hey, I’m from the South, and I’m just a friendly kind of guy—I rest my head against the back of the seat and take in all the sites. Ten minutes later, I sit up when the car turns into an apartment complex.
“This is it, huh?” The smell of patchouli fills my nostrils, an aroma I hadn’t noticed until now, and I bring my hand up to my nose.
“Yes, sir. This is the address you provided.”
“Can you let me out at the leasing office? I still need to pick up my keys.” My gaze lands on the meter attached to the car’s dash and I can’t help cringing.Damn, I knew it was going to be costly living here, but if I have to pay this amount every time I need to go somewhere…I’m fucked. Maybe I should’ve driven the old Honda after all.