Page 63 of The Submissive
Before Monique inhaled again, the knife cut into her dress and sliced away the fabric covering her breasts.
Helen did it so lightly that Monique barely felt it. The blade never touched her skin, as she promised, but that was partly thanks to her partner’s perfect posture and stillness. Yet feelingthe fabric pull away from her almost felt like having the edge of the blade drawn across her skin.
“My beautiful princess.” One hand wrapped around the back of Monique’s neck while the other held the knife steady against her dress. “It feels like unwrapping you after the ball. You already served me so well in the restaurant. I keep thinking of how I should repay you after such just punishment.” The knife teased Monique’s bra, but Helen didn’t cut it.Because she didn’t buy it for me.Anything she bought Monique was fair game. Helen could always buy her another.
“I will love anything you do, Mistress.”
“That’s not true.” The knife was back in her dress, slicing it down the center until meeting the top of Monique’s navel. “It’s not possible for you to like everything. Besides, half the fun is discovering what youdolike. Did you like the ice earlier? I think you did.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good. Now, this list you gave me…” The top of the knife pressed against her skin but did not penetrate it. “There are quite a few filthy things on here. I’m not in the mood for a lot of them tonight. Some of them… I’ll do my best.”
Monique was about to burst inside but held still against the knifepoint.
Helen tossed it onto the floor, far away from where they would make love. She kissed Monique, that hand still around her neck, but the other freeing her bust from her bra. Helen pinched her partner’s nipples one at a time, inciting Monique to groan.
The pinching stopped and was replaced with her lips, Helen’s tongue tracing large circles around each nipple. Whenever she pulled away to take a breath, Monique’s areola was harder and more pronounced than before.
“You were such a good girl in the restaurant.” Helen ran her tongue along Monique’s chest, pushing up to her throat andchin. Her hot breaths burned Monique’s ear as she climbed onto the bed and held her close, bound arms struggling to embrace Helen back. “You did exactly as I told you to do. You always pleasure me without question. You’re such a sweet, attentive sub, and you will be rewarded.”
Those words were like music dancing in Monique’s ears. Even when Helen pulled away and began undoing the ropes around her bodice, Monique remained in a state of adoration, eyes rolling back, and sighs gentler than the air around them. The ropes dropped to the bed. Helen disappeared around the side and opened her drawer of goodies. Monique was left to stretch her arms and flex her fingers. Who knew how much longer she would have this freedom?
Not much longer.
A small pulley hung from the ceiling. Behind Monique, Helen stood on her bed and looped a stronger rope through it. Monique could lean her head back and rest it against her Mistress’s thighs, but when she tried this, Helen pushed her forward and grabbed both arms.
Within seconds, Monique was taken back to their first night together when her arms were raised above her head and tied to a simple rope. Helen wasn’t content with that. She had to pull harder, forcing Monique to get up on her shaky, cramped legs and stand on the bed. Her bare toes wiggled against the soft comforter.
Helen secured Monique before clutching her hips beneath her skirt. “Did you enjoy our time in the restaurant?” Helen murmured into her ear.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“What did you enjoy?”
“What you gave me.”
“And what did I give you?”
Monique wasn’t shy about these things. For years, she was used to talking frankly about sex and her desires – and her Domme’s desires. “You gave me you.”
“I did. It’s easy for women to do that.” Helen’s hands tightened around Monique’s thighs, coming close to her center. “Men, I find, have a harder time giving themselves like that.”
Helen’s fingers brushed against her slit. Monique steeled herself, hissing through her teeth.
“You’re still wet.”
“Not as wet as I was back there.”
“I can fix that.”
Helen kissed her neck. Monique rolled away from it, letting Helen explore the white of her throat while her hands felt her intimately, reawakening her body to the idea of lovemaking and all that it entailed. The bed had some give beneath their standing weight, but Monique was the one secured to the ceiling. It was Helen who had to check her balance.
“I want you.” Her urgent voice lit a fire beneath Monique’s skin. When she tore apart the front of the dress with her bare hands, Monique gasped, her will crumbling.
Dommes were always such thrills. They could be kind and considerate one moment and rip apart a girl’s damned dress the next. Monique loved both sides equally. Especially if one naturally followed the other.
With her bodice and sleeves ripped, Helen dropped the dress to Monique’s feet and told her to step out of it. Once the pile of defiled black fabric was sent to the floor, Helen unhooked Monique’s bra and unsnapped the straps. That soon followed the dress, and Monique was presented to her Domme, completely naked.