Page 64 of The Submissive
“As pretty as you are in your ball gowns, Princess, I much prefer you like this.” Helen wrapped her arms around her sub, placing another kiss on her neck and then her shoulder. Feelingher soft clothing against her skin lulled Monique back into comfort. “Let’s see what we can do about that.” Helen pointed to Monique’s feet, struggling to maintain balance on the bed.
Helen hopped down and opened a closet by the bed. Monique couldn’t see inside it from where she stood, but from the way her Domme paid careful attention to what was inside… Monique could only assume good things were stored within.
“Spread your legs.”
Easy.Monique had to if she wanted to maintain balance. Yet she wasn’t surprised – but definitely excited – when Helen latched one end of a spreader bar to her right ankle.
Apparently, she wasn’t spread enough for Helen's liking, even though the bar was adjustable. Helen eased her legs open farther, taking care to make sure they weren’t too far apart when she also latched the left ankle. Strung up, spread, and naked, Monique had never felt so delightfully vulnerable in front of Helen.
Except this wasn’t her reward. That came from a stinging strike to her ass.
She yelped, her legs buckling but unable to close. The hit came again, this time harder, and the skin on her ass was about to cry from the impact.
“Oh, my God!” she exclaimed, as the pain morphed into pleasure throughout her body. She anticipated another smack but didn’t get one. Instead, she saw the end of a black leather crop round her stomach and caress her breast.
“Perfect.” Helen was beside Monique, massaging her injured flesh with a kind hand. “Your body and its responses to what I do are perfect. You really are a natural at this, my dear.”
Monique managed to crack a smile through the pain. “Did you ever doubt it?”
The crop tapped her breast. “Knowing and seeing it for yourself are two different things. There’s nothing that sates me more than seeing a woman who enjoys this sort of thing.”
“I assure you that I do.”
“I know.” Helen nibbled Monique’s ear, just the way she liked. “You’re the total package. Beautiful, intelligent, savvy… and a lover of painful pleasure.” The crop caressed Monique’s nipple, threatening to smack it at any moment. “No wonder I’m falling so hard for you.”
If Monique weren’t trapped in her position, she would melt into the bed, carried away by the sweet words her Mistress offered. Most of her was more than happy to hear them. Happy to take them in and turn them into the fodder she needed to feel that holy emotion of love. But another small part of her was afraid. It was easy for people to say that they loved someone. They were so free and yet fickle at the same time. What did they have to lose? Nothing. A woman like Helen Warner had nothing to lose. She could say she loved Monique and suffer no repercussions if she changed her mind later.
These thoughts almost dwelled in Monique’s head – then the crop slapped her breast.
It stung for one blinding, hot white second before the pleasure settled in, spreading from Monique’s nipple to the rest of her chest. “Again,” she begged, as the crop circled her stomach and patted the top of her mound. “Please, Helen.”
Notma'am. NotMistress. Monique wanted all those sides of her, but it was Helen she desired the most at that moment. The caring and understanding woman who knew how to hit her with a crop.
“Whatever you want, Monique.”
A shriek of pleasure took them both by surprise when Helen smacked her sub’s breast once more. Streaks of red appeared on Monique’s flesh. She wasalive.
Time slowed, then quickened, then slowed again as Helen circled her body and picked specific places to hit with the crop. Sometimes, she struck the pliable skin of Monique’s ass and breasts. Other times, Helen gave a lighter smack to Monique’s stomach, the small of her back, and the top of her shoulders. When she hit the inside of her spread thighs, Monique moaned, her body on fire and ready to douse the flames on her own.
“Can you feel it?” Helen embraced her from behind, the resolve of her lovemaking slamming right into Monique’s sore ass. “Doing this to you… seeing you respond like this… I want to fuck you until neither of us can breathe anymore.”
Her hand rubbed Monique’s mound, her slit, and the tender skin in between. One finger rubbed her clit, sending waves upon waves of pleasure through Monique.Pure pleasure. No pain. After mediating all of her pain with pleasure, Monique didn’t know how to handle just one of those things any longer.
“You may be my sub, Monique.” Helen’s voice was becoming more ragged the longer this played out.How long until you can’t help yourself?Like in the restaurant… when she practically ravaged Monique, their bodies moving together because they couldn’t bear to do anything else. Nothing got Monique off more than knowing her Domme wanted her so badly that she transformed into a madwoman. “My desire to serveyounow outweighs everything else.”
Her wet finger lingered on Monique’s lips as Helen sank to her knees and kissed her partner’s tender skin.She’s never done this before…Monique was used to women who only doled out that level of pleasure once in a blue moon. Jacqueline definitely did not taste her often. The only lover who regularly gave her that kind of pleasure was Etta, but she had always been the most conventional of all Monique’s lovers.
Helen’s tongue slid along Monique’s slit, caressed her clit, and massaged her folds until she was squirming in her bindings. When the pleasure abated long enough for her to think again, the first thing Monique thought wasI can’t believe she’s letting me watch.
Dark blond hair scraped her thighs as Helen kissed her partner’s nether lips. Occasionally, her deep blues looked up and met Monique’s, but it wasn’t the look of a submissive that she was used to seeing from someone in this position. It was that intense, claiming gaze of a woman leaving yet another mark on her sub.
Helen Warner wasn’t lowering herself beneath Monique. She was reasserting her role in her life – a harbinger of pleasure who wouldn’t let her go until she was good and ready.
And she was clearly a woman who had plenty of experience in this realm of love, for the way her tongue, her lips, and her breath all came together to pleasure Monique was like someone who wanted to please. So while she was Monique’s Domme and purely in control, Helen still had that romance inside of her.
“Relax and enjoy, Princess.”