Page 10 of Chasing the Light
Stellafrowned. ‘Wehaven’t really discussed it.’
‘Whynot?I’msure he’d understand.HehasKrishanyway.’
‘It’sjust…he wants to start shooting more fashion.Hekeeps talking about whenIeventually come back, how he can concentrate on building a new portfolio, etcetera.’
‘Ithink…IthinkIwant to go into portraiture.Shootingwomen, specifically.’
‘Idon’t know.Maybe.Iwant to help women feel beautiful.WhenIwas travelling,Isaw how much having a good picture lifted some of the womenIshot.Theirsmiles whenIshowed them the back of my camera…Iwas just posing them well in flattering light, but to them…it was magic.’
Acry on the baby monitor ripped through the room.
‘Well!That’smy cue to leave,’ saidClaudia, standing and slipping herCharlotteOlympiashoes on.
‘I’llcall you,’ saidStella. ‘Let’sget dinner in the diary soon.Iwant to seeMagnus.’
Claudiachuckled. ‘Doesthat go forConnor, too?’
‘Stopit!Theyget on now, don’t they?’ConnorandMagnushad always had a tolerate/hate relationship after years of being wedding photography rivals.Stelladidn’t understand it.Magnuscould be a little privileged sometimes, but really he was a big teddy bear.
Suddenlyserious,Claudiasaid, ‘Stells,Ithink it’s a good idea.Youshould do it.’
‘Theportraiture business!’
AfterClaudialeft,Stellastood with her back to the front door and took a deep breath, thoughts racing.Shewas 99% sure this new course was what she wanted.Inher heart and for the sake of their relationship, she knew she had to stop walking behind the famousConnorKnight.Didn’tshe deserve to shine, too?Ifshe didn’t do her own thing, she’d grow to resent him, and that could only be bad for their marriage.
Butthere were so many considerations.Wasnow the right time?WouldGracebe okay with both of her parents running their own businesses?WouldConnorunderstand?Wouldhis business be okay without her?Somany questions skittered around in her head, each new one appearing on the tail of the last.
Asher mother used to say, ‘Nonsi può avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca’, which meant ‘Youcan’t have a barrel full of wine and a drunk wife at the same time.’Somethingwould have to give.
Sheclimbed the stairs towardsGrace’sroom, hoping a solution would come to her soon.
Krish’sfeetstruck the pavement at a regular 140 beats per minute, techno pounding in his ears.Theafternoon sun heated his skin, and he could feel hard-earned sweat soaking through his athletic vest.
Theriverside path at the top ofBatterseaParkwas teeming with the usualSundayafternoon crowd: other runners, rollerbladers, kids learning to cycle, dogs lolloping, and a lot of prams.Krishneeded to keep part of his brain focused on the assault course of people in front of him to avoid colliding with anyone.Theother part flitted between the two subjects most on his mind:FrancescaandConnor.
Thatmorning, he’d metConnorat his studio.They’dhad lunch at a local café whileConnorregaledKrishwith all the stories from his trip.Itsounded amazing.Thepictures onConnor’sphone were breathtaking enough;Krishcould just imagine the onesConnorhad on his proper camera.Bythe end,Krishcould feel his own feet itching to travel far-off lands.
Hehadn’t realised how much he’d missedConnor.Helooked good.Connoralways looked good, but now he had a deep tan, and his dark hair had grown longer.Hecould probably put it into a ponytail.Hehad the relaxed appearance of someone who had just come back from a six-month holiday.
Buthis energy told a different story.Itwas anything but relaxed; he wanted to get back to work.AfterKrishhad given him an update on each client and on upcoming weddings,Connorhad launched into a speech about his big plans.WhileStellaandKrishhandled the main chunk of the wedding work,Connorwanted to branch out into fashion and advertising.Allthe soul-searching he’d done on the trip showed him that he was ready to make the next leap in his career.
Krishdidn’t have the heart to reveal that so was he.
Hedidn’t want to disappointConnor, but he’d been with him for over five years.Itwas time forKrishto start his own business.He’deven found the perfect office space close to his flat in an artsy incubator hub.
Asmall dog unexpectedly lurched intoKrish’spath and he leapt over it.Anothertechno song thumped through his headphones.
Andthen there wasFrancesca.
Hewished that she’d remained in his past, even though part of him was glad that he’d run into her, confirming that she was alive and well.She’ddisappeared from his life so suddenly after they broke up.Poof!Likethey hadn’t dated for six months.