Page 11 of Chasing the Light

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Page 11 of Chasing the Light

Gettingover her had taken a long time, even with working forConnorto distract him.Heremembered the pile of self-help books about how to survive bad break-ups stacked on his coffee table.HissisterAnkitanicknamed himMissHavisham, insinuating that he’d spend his whole life hung up onFrancescaif he didn’t snap out of it.Shetold him that he needed to get ‘under someone to get over someone’ which was the last thing he wanted to do.Eventually, he realised that the books only made him feel worse with their contradicting advice.

Hepacked them up and left them at a charity shop.Hemoved on.

Andhe wanted to remain ‘moved on’.Onceupon a time,Francescahad been the woman he thought he might marry, the woman he’d start a family with.ThenNormancame on the scene.FuckingNorman.Whonamed their kidNormanthese days, anyway?

Seeingher yesterday had been bittersweet.They’dfallen right back into their easy banter, talking about their favourite topic: films.Ithad felt like old times…until she ran out of the pub as if the fire alarm had gone off.

Andthat was why he couldn’t shake the thought that something was wrong.Asshe’d gathered her kit, he’d seen a fleeting grimace of pain on her face.Hedidn’t want to care, but he was worried about her.


Krishshook his head, trying to dislodge the concern that was forming.

Hispace slowed and he came to a complete stop, checking his stats on his watch while he waited.Jessshould be finished soon.They’dorganised to regroup atCleopatra’sNeedleafter they each completed their distance targets.

Upahead, a family of four caught his eye.Theyclutched ice cream cones in their hands, laughing as the heat made them drip, racing to lick them up.Theyreminded him of his own family: white mother,Indianfather, brother and sister.Hewatched the sister bossing her younger brother around and getting frustrated when he ignored her—also like his family.Krishsmiled.

Ahand clapped him on the back and he jumped.Hepopped the headphones out of his ears asJessappeared in front of him, breathing heavily.

‘Justme!’ she huffed between exhales and inhales.Sheflashed her dazzling smile, perfect teeth.Ithelped that her dad was a dentist. ‘Didyou set a new personal best?Lookedlike you were hitting a good pace.’

‘Notreally.Lostin thought.’Hegave her his water bottle.

Shetook a long sip and handed it back. ‘Connor?’

‘Yeah.’Shedidn’t need to know aboutFrancesca.Itdidn’t mean anything.Jesshad been the one to help him piece his heart back together again.Jesswas his future.

Sheflopped forwards and touched her toes, the tip of her long, blonde plait brushing the pavement. ‘Maybeyou’re holding back because you don’t really want to leave.Areyou sure you need to do this?Itpays well…the work is interesting…’

Pressinghis lips together, he mentally flicked away a blossom of irritation.Hewished she wouldn’t question his plans every time he brought them up.Heraversion to risk came from growing up as an only child with kind, but overprotective parents.However, he also knew her heart was in the right place.Shejust wanted a stable, secure future for them.

Andthat was exactly what he would deliver.Inhis mind, this new path wasn’t risky at all.

Krishkicked his foot towards his bottom and caught it with his hand, stretching his quads. ‘No,I’mconfident this will work out.AndI’mready for a change.’Connorhad taught him everything he knew.Despitethe fact that he was only ten years older thanKrish, he thought ofConnoras more than a boss, or even a friend.Hewas a mentor and father figure. ‘Ijust don’t want to appear ungrateful.’

Hemoved to the wall, lifted his leg and perched it on top.Ashe stretched his hamstrings,Jesscopied him.

‘Don’tforget you did him a huge favour, watching his business while he had a six-month holiday.’

‘Yeah, butIkept the money from all the jobsIshot for him—’

‘—Minustwenty-five percent.’

‘It’sa finder’s fee.Ididn’t mind paying it.’

‘Mypoint is, he couldn’t have done it without you, so don’t act like it’s all one-sided, hon.Youhave a rainbow inside of you, waiting to shine.’Shepoked him in the chest over his heart.

Krishsmiled.Theprimary school teacher inJesshad an optimistic way of speaking that often involved references to rainbows, unicorns, and glitter.

Hethrew a sweaty arm over her shoulder and planted a kiss on her forehead.Thingswere so easy withJess.That’swhat all his married friends said was the key difference between the ones they married and the ones they didn’t.Therelationships were just easier.Nogames.Nodrama.Goalsin line.Krishremembered havingTheConversationwithJessabout whether she wanted kids on their third or fourth date. (Theanswer was yes).Itjust came up naturally as they were chatting.Nobig deal.

Staringout at a boat bobbing along on theThames, he thought aboutConnorandStella.Theirrelationship hadn’t been easy.Theyboth fought against their obvious attraction from day one, when they met at theBAPPconvention.Krishchuckled as he remembered the wedding they shot together inItaly.ConnorandStellaslept together and then tried to hide it, butKrishtotally knew what was going on.BeforeStella,Connorhad strong opinions on marriage and how it wasn’t for him.HavingmetConnor’sfather,Armstrong, who never met a female he didn’t hit on, he could see whereConnorgot his views.ButthenConnormet the right person, and even though the road to love had been rocky (if entertaining to watch fromKrish’sfront row seat), they were now happily married with the cutest baby girl.Ithad made him want to find love, too.

‘Raceyou back?’Jessbit her lip and winked at him suggestively.

Hegave her a light, competitive slap on her bottom, and they took off jogging in the direction of her flat onBatterseaHill.Asthey hit a steady stride,Krishfelt a vibration in his pocket. ‘Waita sec,’ he called to her as he pulled up short and took out his phone.Connor’sname illuminated the screen. ‘Sorry,I’vegot to take this.’Hepopped his headphones in before answering: ‘Hello?’

StellalistenedasConnortalked toKrish.Theyhadn’t even been back a full day, and he was already scheduling shoots.Andnot justanyshoot.Ashoot withValentinaVavilvek.

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