Page 24 of Chasing the Light
Sittingback in his chair,Connorassumed a relaxed pose.Stellawasn’t buying it. ‘No, of course not,’ he said. ‘Krishwas with me the whole time.He’salways with me on her shoots.Sometimesshe just gets…over affectionate.’
Krishmade a noise that vaguely sounded like agreement,but it could also have been the noise people make when they’re being strangled.
ClaudiaelbowedMagnus. ‘Isaffectionate another word for adulterous?’
Asthough it helped his cause,Connorsaid, ‘Actually, she and her husband have an open marriage.’
Stellabarked, ‘Yeah, because he’sGAY.’
‘Wedon’t know that for sure.’
‘Actually, we do.Tristantold me.Hesaw him at some exclusive gay bar inLA.’Tristanwas her best friend and old dance partner from when she’d won theOpenLatinDanceChampionship, aged 18.Hewas also a sore subject in their house after he had a short relationship withConnor’sbrother,Michael, following their wedding.Ina surprise turn of events,Michaelhad brokenTristan’sheart for once, saying the famous model andStrictlyComeDancingchampion just didn’t ‘have the same life goals’ as him.
Magnuspiped up, adding his own thoughts to the conversation. ‘Oneof myCambridgechums had an open marriage.They’redivorced now.’
Anglingher body towardsConnorand gripping the stem of her wine glass with unnecessary force,Stellaasked, ‘Sowhat happened?Didshe hit on you?’
Thequestion lingered as the whole room held its breath, waiting forConnorto reply.Onlythe sound ofGrace’sraspy snores crackled through the baby monitor, adding to the tension.
Finally,Connorsighed and said, ‘Ofcourse she hit on me.ButIdidn’t do anything becauseI’mhappilymarried.Toyou.’
Theair in the room stilled afterConnor’sdeclaration, like the calm before a storm.Magnuswas studying the contents of his wine glass;Claudialeaned forward onto the table as though waiting forActTwo; andKrishseemed to be playing musical statues, his whole body frozen while just his wide eyes darted fromConnortoStellaand back.Hewiped sweat off his face with a napkin.Stellanarrowed her eyes.Helooked guilty.WhydidKrishlook so guilty?Whathad happened?
Shecould feel a fight brewing inside her.Sheknewshe was right aboutValentina.Theone time they’d run into her at a private members’ club, the woman had pawed atConnorlikeStellawasn’t there.Ifshe was comfortable acting like that withConnor’swife present, then what didValentinado withoutStellato hold her in check?Shedidn’t care if half ofConnor’sincome came from her:Nomore shoots with that…vulva.
Hermouth opened to say so, when another voice from across the table cut through the tense atmosphere: ‘Connor,I’mleaving you to start my own business!’
IttookStellaa moment to realise the words came fromKrish.Hehad pushed his chair back abruptly and was standing, hand clamped over his stomach like he had food poisoning.
ClaudiaslappedMagnuson the arm. ‘Ha!Iwasnotexpectingthat.’
Krishhad hiccups.
Hisbody sometimes reacted this way when he was under stress or disappointed with himself—and right now he was both.Hesat in the kitchen staring at a porcelain chicken whileStellaandConnorargued in the other room.Magnuswas rocking a sleepyGracein his arms after she’d woken up from all the shouting.
‘Sex,’ saidClaudiaas she poked her finger into the icing of the carrot cake they probably wouldn’t get to eat. ‘That’sthe best way to get rid of hiccups.’
‘No—drinking water upside down while holding your breath,’ saidMagnus, bouncing gently whileGracesnored.
‘That’san old wives’ tale.Neverworks,’ saidClaudia.
‘Well, to be fair, sweetie, telling people to have sex to get rid of hiccups isn’t the most practical of suggestions.’
‘Workedfor you that time inMallorca.’Shewinked at him and clicked her tongue twice.
Krishwished he were anywhere but here.Inhindsight, he could probably have chosen his moment better.Butthe words had burst out of him, a volcano choosing the worst moment to erupt.
Hehiccuped again.Hecounted ten more ceramic chickens in their kitchen before the next hiccup came.Whydid they have so many chickens?
Stellabarged into the room and prowled around the island as though trying to decide what to do.Finally, she headed for the open bottle of wine on the counter and drank straight from the neck.
‘Youokay?’ askedClaudia, rubbingStella’sback.
Apointed, sidelong glance was the only answerClaudiagot, asStellatook another long drink.
Puttingdown the bottle, she asked him, ‘Whatswims in the sea?’Therandomness of it surprised him.