Page 25 of Chasing the Light

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Page 25 of Chasing the Light

Hepaused.Whatwas the right answer?Wasthis a trick question? ‘Fish?’

Stellalooked at him and waited for a moment. ‘Doyou still have hiccups?’

Theporcelain chicken seemed to be staring at him:Well, do ya, punk?Krishanticipated his next spasm, but it never came. ‘That’scrazy.Howdoes that work?’

Stellashrugged. ‘Noidea, but it does.Connorwants to see you, by the way.He’sdownstairs in the gym.’

SuddenlyKrishwas very attached to his kitchen stool.Hedidn’t want to leave it.

Whathad he been thinking when he blurted out his news duringVavilvek-gate?Hehad just wanted to help.Ithad temporarily done the trick, but then the argument had continued.AndKrishhad just felt worse as he realised poorConnornow had an angry wife and a defecting employee to contend with.

Atleast it was all out in the open now.Connorknew he was leaving and was presently in the gym, waiting to chat.Afterarguing withStella.Perfect.

‘Krish, you’ll be fine,’ saidStella, putting her hand over his.Ironicthat she used the same wordConnorhad used to describe the shoot withValentina.Fine.Krishagreed with her; it was a meaningless, nondescript word.

Witha sigh, he climbed off the stool and trudged down the stairs as though going to the headmaster’s office.Heknew in his heart that everything would work out—it always did—but that didn’t mean he was looking forward to the conversation.

Krishentered the small home gym—a room scattered with a few pieces of training equipment and some weights.Connorhad changed into a sweat-wicking t-shirt and shorts.Hewrapped his hands in tape before slipping them into a pair of boxing gloves.


Withoutreturning the greeting,Connormotioned towards the sparring pads with his chin, a wordless instruction to put them on.Bracinghis feet for impact,Krishheld up his padded hands and waited for the first punch.

Thejab came hard and fast, followed by another and another.Thepads absorbed the majority of the shock.

Puncheskept connecting andKrishwondered how much longer this would go on beforeConnoractually spoke with him.Hisguilt over leaving grew with each hit, but so did his determination to go.Justbecause he felt guilty over something didn’t mean it wasn’t the right move.Hehad to do what was right forhisfuture, forhisdreams.Runninghis own business was the next step in his plan, followed closely by proposing toJess.Heonly had one life to live, and there were things that he wanted: a successful career as a photographer and entrepreneur, a wife, kids…this conversation was the first step on that path.

Withone final punch,Connor, now covered in sweat, dropped his fists, shook off the gloves, and picked up his water bottle.Krishslipped the pads off and tossed them on a bench.Hetook a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak.

‘So, you’re leaving me.When?’ saidConnorfirst, his voice gruff.

‘I’mhappy to work out my notice period.’

Connortook another swig from his bottle and wiped his hand across his lips. ‘I’mnot going to hold you back.Ifyou want to go, then go.’

Theedge of displeasure inConnor’svoice punchedKrishin the gut.Hewasn’t ready to be fully kicked out ofConnor’scircle of trust. ‘Ican still assist you at the weddings we have scheduled…and for shoots.Iwouldn’t leave you short-handed.AndI’llkeep replying to emails for you.’

Eyeson his water bottle,Connortoyed with the mouthpiece before letting out a huge sigh. ‘Iknew this day would come.You’retoo good…too talented, to stay with me forever.’

ReliefthatConnordidn’t hate him whooshed throughKrish’sbody and tears pricked behind his eyes.Hehad never been ashamed of showing emotion.Hisdad cried at romcoms and cat videos, soKrishhad followed suit. ‘Workingwith you has been one of the greatest honours of my life.You’vetaught me so much, andIwouldn’t be half the shooterIam without you.’

‘That’strue.’Thecorner ofConnor’smouth lifted in a cocky, half-joking smile. ‘Whatare you going to do?’

This,Krishcould talk about. ‘Big, multi-dayIndianweddings, offering a full service.Photography, video.’

‘Haveyou written a business plan?’

‘OfcourseIhave.Youtaught me well,Obi-wan.’


Connorsobered and caughtKrish’seye. ‘Don’tbe a stranger, okay?Ifyou need anything, you call me, anytime.’

Thosetears pricked again. ‘Yeah,Boss.’Hestepped towardsConnorwith his arms thrown wide, but then realised that he was covered in sweat.Krishmade ‘air-hug’ motions instead, mirrored byConnor.

Heran his palms over his face and sighed. ‘Thishas been one helluva day.’

‘IsStellagoing to forgive you?’Krishasked.

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