Page 71 of Chasing the Light

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Page 71 of Chasing the Light

‘Yes, but…why?’Gracewas supposed to be having some daddy/daughter time.

Claudiaphewed with relief. ‘Thankfuck for that.Becauseshe’s already had some.’

Stellaturned away from the others and tried to keep her voice calm. ‘Whyis she even there?’

‘Connorasked if he could leaveGracewith us for the afternoon.Somethingabout interviews?It’sno problem.Thetwins love her.’

Annoyancebubbled up, temporarily curbingStella’sanxiety about the wedding. ‘Thanks,Clauds.Iappreciate your checking.Whattime is he picking her up, out of interest?’

‘Aroundeight or so?’

Thatwas well pastGrace’sbedtime.Connorwould mess upStella’snew sleep schedule.Afterthe dysregulation of their trip, she was trying to get her daughter into bed by six o’clock every night after a bath and stories.Routine.Allthe baby books said that it was important at this age. ‘I’vegot to go,Clauds.TellGraceIlove her.’Stellahung up and let out an exasperated sigh.

‘What’swrong?’ askedKrish, who was formatting his cards nearby.

‘Nothing.Connoris supposed to be watchingGrace.Weeven went over all the things he could do with her whileIwas away.’Whata waste of an hour.Hadhe ever planned on spending any time with his daughter?


Hervoice rose despite trying to control it, and herItalianhands flailed angrily. ‘Andhe’s just dumped her atClaudia’sso he can go to his studio to interview replacements for you.’

‘Maybeyou just got your wires crossed.’

Ithurt thatKrishwas making excuses forConnor.Atleast she knew where his loyalties lay. ‘Yeah, well that seems to be the status quo these days.’

Krishtouched her arm. ‘Everythingokay?’

Sherubbed at her temples.Ithad been unfair thinking ill ofKrish. ‘Oh, yeah.It’snothing.Wejust…seem to be having a few hiccups with settling back into home life, that’s all.’

Hesounded sad when he said, ‘Whydo relationships have to be so hard?’

Shehuffed a laugh. ‘Don’tworry,I’msureJesswill be more of a team player thanConnor.’

Krishpaused a moment, checking behind him before saying in a low voice: ‘Ididn’t propose.’

‘Shit!Krish!No!Whathappened?’Herown problems suddenly seemed less important.

‘Ibroke up with her.Ifeel absolutely terrible about it—and guilty as hell.Shewent off toParisalone instead.Somethingabout wanting to get closure.’Stellareached out and grabbed his hand. ‘Ijust…’Hiseyes were following something past her shoulder.Stellaglanced back and saw it wasFrancescareturning from the toilets. ‘Ijust realised that she wasn’t whoIwanted to spend my life with.’

Soher hunch had been right!Therewassomething going on betweenFrancescaandKrish.Andjudging from how she reacted whenStellamentioned theParisProposal,Francescahad feelings for him, too.Stellawas dying to tell him about what happened when she’d visited the office, but she promisedFrancescashe wouldn’t say anything.They’dhave to sort this one out all on their own. ‘Well,Ihope it all works out for you,’ she said, rubbing his arm.

Krishglanced down at his watch. ‘Speakingof matrimonial bliss, the bride will be expecting you andFrancescasoon.’

Herstomach flipped.Thiswas it.Justlike riding a bike, right?

Titsand teeth, she said to herself, repeating her old mantra from her competitive dancing days as she made her way towards the house, trying not to dwell on her husband’s deception.


FrancescaandStellastarted with the bride whileKrishandWallywent in search of the groom.Hewould arrive by helicopter in the fields out back.Likethe mega-wanker he is,thoughtFrancesca.

Insidethe modern marvel of a house, she admired the amount of time and effort that must have gone into hanging that many flowers.Ropesof jasmine and multi-coloured marigoldscovered the walls, dangled from the chandelier, ran along the bannisters.Itsmelled heavenly.Theymust have cost a fortunate and this wasn’t even the main event.

StellaandFrancescacarefully made their way up the glass staircase in search of the bride, each of them trying to lug their heavy kit without chipping the stairs.Havingglass stairs seemed about as practical as wearing a glass slipper.

Afterpeeking into several empty guest rooms, they eventually foundIshaniin a crisp, clean bedroom with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the back garden.Insideher head,Francescadid a mini fist pump.Thenatural light in this room was soft, plentiful, and perfect.

FrancescagreetedIshaniand introducedStella.

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