Page 72 of Chasing the Light

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Page 72 of Chasing the Light

ScanningStellaup and down,Ishanidemanded, ‘Where’sKrish?’

‘Um…’ saidStella.Francescawas surprised to seeStellafalter atIshani’sharsh tone, struggling for words.

‘Idon’t mean to be difficult, but our contract is withKrish,’ the bride said, every inch the lawyer. ‘Whereishe?’

Stella’sshoulders dipped, and her smile faltered.Werethose tears?Whenshe’d stopped by the office the week before, she confessed she was nervous because she hadn’t shot a wedding in a year and a half.Andon her first job back, she got a bridezilla.Poorwoman.

Unusedto being in a management position, it occurred toFrancescathat she was the senior supplier underKrish.Onone hand, she had to keep the client happy, especially ifKrishwanted theMumbaiwedding, too.Onthe other hand, she couldn’t letIshanidestroyStella’sconfidence.Astrange fizzle started in her stomach which felt oddly like…responsibility.

Ifonly diplomacy were her forte.Shewas not known for her honeyed words and delicate negotiations.ButforKrish, she could try.

‘Don’tyou know who this bloody well is?’ saidFrancesca, matchingIshani’stone and willing her face into a mask of calm even as her uterus twisted.Theco-codamol chose exactly that moment to wear off.

Ishani’seyebrows shot into the air, andFrancescacontinued, ‘StellaPrice-Knighthas photographedeverybodywho’sanybody,and frankly you’re lucky she was available.She’sone of the best.THEBEST.’Stellalooked embarrassed and gratified by the praise. ‘Yougave us a long list of shots to take that would bephysically impossiblefor one photographer to do on his own.So, in order to fulfilyour requirements,Krishhas put together an amazing team.You’rewelcome.’

Theroom was silent for a moment as the words settled.Eventhe make-up and hair artists hovering in the corner stopped moving.Alleyes were on the bride, awaiting her reaction.

‘StellaPrice-Knight!Ofcourse,’Ishanisaid in a complete about-face, as though she’d just been talking aboutStella’swork inVoguewith her mates last weekend. ‘IhopeIdidn’t offend you.’

‘No, not at all,’ saidStella, standing tall again.Shethrew a thankful smile atFrancescaand launched into a discussion withIshaniabout her ideas and possible locations.

Francescasmiled, delighted with her burst of diplomatic prowess.Thenher smile faltered.Shewondered how she’d explainWally.

Maybethey wouldn’t notice.

Afterthat, things went smoothly.Stellaappeared to regain her confidence, coachingIshaniinto pose after pose and finding just the right light.FrancescaandStellaworked well together, and she didn’t try to hog the bride like a lot of other photographers.Shemade sure to giveFrancescatime to film what she needed, too.

Tobe fair, there were harder jobs than getting good photos ofIshani.

Shepractically glowed in her lehenga.Thesleeveless top shimmered with champagne crystals and left her toned midriff bare.Herfloor-length skirt was covered in soft rose-coloured feathers that floated as she walked.Francescawondered how manyFraggleshad been scalped to make that skirt.Whateverthe answer, it was worth it.

Ishani’shenna had already been applied a couple days before to give the colours time to fully bloom.Thebrown lines laced around the bride’s forearms, gossamer strokes ending in a cuff of flowers just below her elbow.Inthe middle of her right palm, the henna artist had drawn a detail-perfect picture of the bride and groom and, on the left, an exact likeness ofFufu, the dog…

…who was currently having her anal glands expressed by a groomer in the bathroom.Francescatried to ignore the fishy smell as they finished up with the bride.

‘Paramjeetincoming.Over,’Krishsaid through her earpiece, helicopter blades whirring in the background.Aninvoluntary shiver rolled through her as his voice caressed the hairs in her inner ear.Hesounded so close, like he was standing next to her and whispering.

Theseheadpieces were another first forFrancesca.Dueto the size of the wedding and the team,Krishhad bought walkie talkie sets for everyone to keep them in close contact.Eachperson had a speaker nestled in their ear, a microphone clipped on the necklines of their top, and a receptor unit weighing down the waistline of their trousers.Havingthe earpiece in place took some getting used to, but now she didn’t really notice it.

Depressingthe talk button on the mic,Francescareplied like she had been trucking all her life. ‘Ten-four.Onour way with the bride.Over.’

Fivehoursand four bridal outfit changes later,Krishchecked his watch.Guestswould be arriving soon—only 150 or so family members and close friends of the bride and groom.

Thepair were hard work; one of those extremely gorgeous couples who were so insecure they questioned every creative directionKrishmade.Ifhe asked the bride to look left because that was the direction of the light, she’d insist that right showed her better side.Ifhe asked the groom to stand with a slightly wider stance to even out the height difference, he would refuse because he didn’t want to look short.

Despitetheir interference, he’d managed to take some amazing shots.Portfolio-worthy shots.Eventhe bride and groomzilla should be happy with the results.

Theteam took a quick dinner break while the bride and groom changed.Again.Theysat together on the veranda next to the pool,I&Pspelled out on the surface of the water in pink and white lotuses.Itwas almost 7PM, so most of the day’s heat had now gone.Still, it had been a hot one.Tomorrowwould be even hotter.

Krishchecked in with each of the team to make sure they had everything they needed.Stellawas sitting in one of those hanging egg chairs, checking her messages with a scowl on her face. ‘Allokay?’ he asked.

‘Yeah.Great,’ she said with a flat voice.Heassumed she was still angry atConnor.

‘I’mfine,’Davidsaid between sneezes.Unfortunately, the house was decorated with strings of flowers everywhere, andDavidhad an allergic reaction.Probablythe jasmine.Hisnose streamed, and his eyes had gone puffy and red.Thebride’s mother had given him an anti-histamine, but it didn’t seem to be helping that much.Krishclapped him on the back. ‘Tryto stay outside the house for the rest of the night.’



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