Page 91 of Unharmed
“I promise.”
Tabitha and I said goodbye and disconnected our call. Ten minutes later, Rhys woke up from his nap. And just over an hour later, Banks got home from work.
We had our normal evening routine together. Banks came in, spent a few minutes catching up with Rhys and me while asking about our day, and we all had dinner together.
Following dinner, I gave Banks and Rhys some time alone together while I went upstairs to take a shower. I’d gone into the master bathroom, since Banks and I were finally spending our nights together in his room. He’d ordered a new mattress for the room, and it had arrived two days ago.
While it wasn’t something I had expected him to do, I could understand why he felt the need to change it, and I appreciated it.
Banks was fulfilling his promise to love me differently.I knew that without even needing to know how things were between him and Violet.
Once I’d finished in the shower, I found Banks in the other bathroom, giving Rhys his bath.
“Hey,” I said.
“I just finished up, so I was going to head downstairs to grab him a bottle.”
“Okay. He’s just about done in here, and he seems exhausted, so he should be ready by the time you get back up here. I already locked up the house, so feel free to shut the lights off when you come up.”
“You don’t want to watch anything tonight?” I asked, curious about the sudden change in our routine.
He shrugged. “Well, we can always watch in the bedroom, but I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh. Is everything okay?”
Banks nodded. “Yeah.”
I eyed him curiously, realized he wasn’t prepared to talk about it while he still had Rhys in the bath, and offered a nod of understanding. “Okay. I’ll be back up in a minute.”
I couldn’t seem to make Rhys’s bottle fast enough. Normally, it never felt like this, but knowing Banks had something to share made every second that passed feel like hours.
After returning upstairs with the bottle and giving Rhys a goodnight kiss and hug, I made my way to the master bedroom to wait for Banks. It didn’t take long for him to get Rhys down for the night, but that didn’t mean it didn’t feel like an eternity.
He hopped in the shower afterward, which meant I had to exercise even more patience.
“What’s going on?” I asked once he finally climbed into bed.
“First, I want you to know that I saw Henry today, and he looks like he’s okay.”
“You saw him?” I rasped.
Banks nodded. “I did. I know you were worried that the man who had him would hurt him after they saw you, but from what I could tell, Henry looked unharmed.”
I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. I had been terrified something bad was going to happen to him.
“I’m assuming you were unable to rescue him.”
“Technically, I could have gotten him back for you, but the guys and I have decided to do just a bit more digging. I want to get Henry back for you, but I also want to see if the people who have him now are involved with what happened to Graham. I know this isn’t easy, but I think it’ll payoff to be patient.”
Banks was the professional. I’d seen Henry, made a spectacle of myself, and started running after him. It didn’t get me anywhere good, so I was more than prepared to accept Banks’s plan as the way to go.
But it didn’t lessen just how much I missed my dog. “Was he at the dog park again?”
“No. No, I was there for a few hours this morning, decided to leave when there hadn’t been any activity, and I found him as I drove through a neighborhood. He was being walked by a woman who ultimately turned into a driveway and went into one of the houses. The garage door on that house was open, and the SUV you had described to us was inside.”
My eyes widened in shock. “Who has him? Where was it?”