Page 92 of Unharmed
Shaking his head, Banks said, “I don’t know who hashim just yet. We’re digging to get those answers, so we can try to start putting some of this together. I’ll be doing some stakeouts, Pax is going to be keeping his eyes on the dog park, and Blaze is trying to see what information he can come up with on these people. I don’t want you to be tempted to go after Henry, so I’m not going to tell you the address. I’m just going to ask you to trust me to do my job properly.”
I hated that Banks wouldn’t tell me where Henry was. He was my dog. I had a right to know. But before I got myself too worked up, I had to take a step back and consider his reasoning. I would absolutely find it difficult to refrain from going to get my dog if I knew where he was.
I had to trust Banks.
“Okay. Okay, I trust you.”
He smiled at me, wrapped an arm around me, and tugged me toward him, so he could press a kiss to my lips. “We’re getting closer, Lamise. I hope it won’t be more than a day or two before we can get this all figured out, but it’s really going to depend on what we find.”
“Thank you for doing this for me, Banks. It means everything to me.”
Banks gave me a squeeze. “I know it does.”
I cuddled closer to him.
“Do you want to watch a movie before bed?” he asked.
Shaking my head, I answered, “Not unless you want to. I’d rather just turn off the lights, talk, and feel you close to me.”
“There’s nothing that could come on that television that would ever make me turn you down.”
So, that’s what we did.
Banks and I turned out the lights, talked, and held on toeach other. After a while, we turned to kissing and touching. And that led to a round of lovemaking.
I loved that despite the things that surrounded us, threatening to tear away the happiness I’d found, Banks and I still had an appreciation for having one another that we refused to waste a single moment we had together.
It was time.
After a week of knowing where Lamise’s dog was and not being able to just walk up, get him, and bring him back to her, I was finally going to be able to do it.
Truth be told, it hadn’t happened without a lot of pressure on my part. If I hadn’t been so insistent on having a deadline for it, I wasn’t sure we’d be at this point yet.
Bringing a couple of guys in on the case with us had paid off tremendously. We’d worked together over the last week, brought the local police department in on it when we believed we had enough evidence to execute a rescue, and came up with a plan.
Admittedly, there was a part of me that was still concerned we weren’t going to get all of the answers we needed, but I was done waiting around. Lamise deserved to have her dog back, and while I believed she’d want answers about what happened to Graham—something we didn’thave any concrete proof of yet—I believed it’d ease her mind to have Henry with her.
And we’d waited long enough, much longer than we would have waited if it had been a human who’d been kidnapped.
So, it was happening today.
As I walked up to the front door of the house I’d been surveilling for the last week with some of my coworkers, walking with a hand in the pocket of my jacket as I gripped the material I’d brought with me tightly in my hand, I felt confident in the plan and relieved we were finally taking some action.
I just hoped I was right about how everything would go down. It would all hinge on one specific hunch I had.
Seconds after I rang the doorbell, I heard him. Henry was inside the house, barking.
So far, so good.
A moment later, the door opened, and the woman I’d seen walking Henry every morning was standing there. “Can I help you?” she asked.