Page 101 of City of the Dead
“She said put him down. We laid him on his tummy,” said Rodney.
Renny said, “She said put him on his knees.”
“Then she said, ‘Wait by the Explorer.’ ”
“Before we got there, we heard it.”
Milo said, “Heard what?”
“You know,” said Rodney.
“I’m pretty sure I do but I still need to hear it.”
“Gunshot,” said Renny, barely getting the word out.
“Then another.”
“We ran to the Explorer.”
“We were thinking get away somewhere.”
“But we had nowhere to go.”
Milo said, “So you waited.”
“Yes, sir.”
“She came back smiling and said, ‘Good job, guys. I’ll take you home.’ ”
Rodney said, “She did.”
Renny said, “We didn’t sleep and we both had to pee all night.”
“All night a lot,” said Rodney. “And we didn’t even protein-load that much.”
“It was a light-protein day and we still peed crazy,” said Renny. “Maybe our kidneys got scared.”
Milo said, “Feeling okay, now?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“That’s great. I gotta tell you guys, you’ve been really helpful. And if you keep being helpful, we should be able to help you. Okay?”
Twin nods.
“In order to help you, I’m gonna need you to tell your story again over at the police station. Do you think you can do that?”
They looked at each other.
Rodney said, “How do we get there?”
“We’ll drive you—Moses Reed will drive you.”