Page 102 of City of the Dead
“Before that, while we wait, I’ma read you something, okay? Maybe you’ve seen it on TV. Don’t be scared it’s just something I need to read to you so I know you understand.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Here goes, then. You have the right to remain silent…”
Reed showed up ten minutes later with Alicia. Moments later, a black-and-white screeched up and four officers got out.
Again, I was left with the Tabash twins as Milo went outside and conferred. The Miranda warning had caused the brothers no anxiety. Maybe it was being left on the couch unshackled. Or maybe they didn’t get it.
I said, “Some day, huh?”
That seemed to puzzle them. I was still figuring out what to follow up with when Moe Reed came in.
Four eyes lit up.
“Hey, guys.” Reed mimed an overhead press.
The twins giggled.
Reed said, “My boss—the lieutenant—said you’ve been super-helpful. Thanks a ton, guys. If you’re ready, I’ll drive you back to the station.”
“Okay.” Renny made it sound like a question. “What will happen there?”
“I’ll get you guys something to drink and eat and you can tell the same story you told the lieutenant. Ready?”
Rodney said, “Guess.”
The twins exchanged glances and got to their feet. The couch sighed in relief and rose several inches.
Moe stood back and allowed them to pass, then said, “The blue car,” and led them to an aqua sedan, not his usual ride.
A pair of monumentally powerful suspects. At worst, accessory before the fact. At best, conspiracy to commit murder. Despite that, no cuffs. Sometimes you need to be creative.
I wondered if some defense attorney might seize upon that.Is that your usual method,Detective? No? Then obviously, you didn’t regardthem astrue suspects?
I found myself mapping additional strategy for the twins. Wondering how they’d score on an IQ test, a neuropsych exam…
Moe reached the blue car first and held the rear door as the Tabashes wedged themselves in. When he opened the driver’s door, a dome light went on and I saw the steel mesh partition isolating the back of the car.
Creative but not stupid.
As Reed drove away, Milo opened the door to the Impala, said something, waited, reached in and drew Lisette Montag out with effort.
No struggle; she’d switched to passive resistance, closing her eyes and going limp and making him work.
Not for long. A couple of uniforms, both females, hurried over and took charge. Carrying Montag with ease as her white hair streamed like cotton candy.
Unceremoniously sliding her in back of their cruiser and beltingher in. Milo dismissed the second black-and-white and returned to the house.