Page 46 of From the Ground Up
“Would you do something for me tonight?”
“What’s that?”
I take off my cap, grab hold of my jersey from behind my neck, and pull it off, leaving me in just my white V-neck T-shirt. I put my cap back on, backward again so I can see her clearly. I hand her my jersey.
She smiles.
“Wear it tonight?”
“Yeah. And after the game. Wait for me, okay?”
She smiles.
Her smile is what I fell in love with first. Because when it is directed at me, it means something. It means she is happy because of something that I have been involved in somehow. I brought her happiness. I wanted to bring her happiness forever.
I play my best game I’ve ever played. And every time I think about Tess cheering in the stands wearing my jersey, what I’m assuming looks like a goofy-ass smile spreads across my face, and I play harder because I want to impress her. I want her to be proud to be wearing my jersey.
After the game I sit through our post-game talk in the locker room but don’t hear a word of it. As soon as the coach is finished, I shower, and then I practically race out of the locker room. To Tess. She waited, just like I asked her to.
She’s leaning against my pickup, hair in a ponytail.
She’s smiling.
I smile back.
And that is that. From now on, we will no longer be Tess. And. Barrett. We are Tess and Barrett. Barrett and Tess. And I love it. I hope she loves it, too.
I didn’t think life could get better. The day she allowed me to change her name to match my own, I knew. Life could get better. It could be the best. I looked into her eyes and promised her forever and in the deepest parts of my heart I meant it. She looked into my eyes and promised me her forever, and I knew in the deepest part of her heart that she meant it also. On that day, her beauty was unmatched. Unwavering. But it was more than her outside beauty. I fell in love with Tess’s heart, her caring and loving nature, the way she laughed easily, allowing me to tease her. I fell in love with the way she loved me.
Our time here is about getting back to the way we fell in love. Last night we danced together by the light of candles and moonlight. Tonight I plan to remind her of something else we used to love to do together, before life got too busy. After I get everything set up outside, I send a text to Tess.
Me:Come outside.
My Girl:Huh? Where are you?
Me:Outside. Duh.
My Girl:Dude. Did you just say duh?
Me:I did. Did you just call me dude? That’s kind of hot.
My Girl:SMH — only you.
Me:Get your cute ass out here.
My Girl:Why? It’s cold!
Me:Because I said so. Now be a good girl and get your ass out here.
My Girl:You know it’s not nice to be so bossy.
Me:Don’t lie. You’re so turned on right now from my bossiness and from me calling you good girl.
My Girl:Whatever. Where outside?