Page 2 of Ruthless Villain
I’ve known Zoe since we were little kids. We’ve always been real with each other, no matter what, but there are certain types of embarrassment you don’t want to pick apart. My ex leaving me for my beautiful, perfect, conniving sister is one of them.
“It happened last night.”
Fabulous.Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. “I’ll bet my parents are thrilled. They were ecstatic when Charlotte and Cole got together.”
“I’m not going to say they aren’t happy.” Zoe sighs with exasperation. “Sorry, I know the timing is sucky.”
“It’s fine. Why do I need my laptop?”
“That’s the other part. Cole talked shit about you to the press. He did an interview with theEnquirer.”
My back snaps straight and my lungs lock, the sudden impact making my pulse pound like it’s going to explode.
“What?” My voice comes out high-pitched and sharp enough to cut glass.
“I just heard about it from your dad. He called theEnquirerand did what he could, but it was already too late.”
“What the hell did Cole say about me?” The words shoot out of my mouth hard and fierce, like boulders crashing down a cliff.
I’ve kept my distance from that snake. I didn’t even cause trouble when he left me for Charlotte. I knew doing so would make me look jealous, and no way would I give either of them that satisfaction.
“Find theEnquirer. It’s all there on their webpage. Sorry in advance, Autumn.”
My entire body caves and I want to sink into a black hole, or at least a bottomless pit.
Feeling weak, I use my free hand to tap the keys on my laptop and find theEnquirer’swebsite.
A blissful picture of Charlotte and Cole is the first hit.
They look like a Disney couple. The prince and the princess. Charlotte with her white-blonde hair like Elsa the ice queen fromFrozen, and Cole with his dark locks like Prince Eric fromTheLittle Mermaid.
They also look happy. And in love. I can see it in Charlotte’s hazel eyes, which mirror mine, and the excitement in her smile. Cole wears the same sickening, ethereal grin.
Above them is the headline:
Cole Van Camp Decides to Tie the Knot, saying he picked the better sister.
The better sister…
Those words stab a hole in my heart, but his cruelty doesn’t stop there.
Beneath the picture of theblissful coupleis Cole’s interview. The first paragraph is in bold so you can’t miss a single jab.
Cole Van Camp calls Charlotte Jakobe every man’s dream come true. He’s ecstatic she’s agreed to become his wife.
When asked about his previous relationship with her younger sister, Autumn, he explained that he and Autumn were as incompatible as fire and water.
He states that although the younger Jakobe sister appears to be a high-achieving introverted bookworm, in reality she’s a trainwreck waiting to happen.
God knows what kind of medication or drugs she’s on these days.
Humiliation and rage race through me, and I have to stop reading.
Because there’s more. A lot more.
He virtually calls me certifiably crazy.
My hands go limp and I almost drop the laptop. It’s a good thing Iamsitting and the laptop is resting on my lap, or it would have landed on the concrete floor.