Page 3 of Ruthless Villain
Cole.That bastard. That’s what he thinks of me?
Trainwreck waiting to happen…
And medication anddrugs?
God in heaven. Knowing the shit I’ve been through did hereallyneed to say that to make himself look better for choosing my sister?
What an absolute, arrogant, egotistical fucking asshole.
Trying to expose my painful secrets and painting me as some kind of drug addict waiting for her next fix is such a fucked up move. Especially when he knows I’mnothinglike that.
“Autumn, talk to me.” Zoe’s voice creeps into my thoughts, pulling me back from burning red rage.
“I can’t believe he did this to me. And my parents weren’t going to tell me?”
“They were planning to tell you in person when you got here. But I was worried you’d see the shit for yourself, so I had to call you.”
“Thank you.” I’m glad I can always count on Zoe to have my back.
“I don’t know what the hell Cole was thinking by talking about you.”
“He’s such an asshole.”
“Yes. That’s why I want you to try not to let this get to you.”
“How the hell am I supposed to do that? Do you know how many people read theEnquirer? My boss probably saw the article.” I squeeze my hands around the phone wishing it were Cole’s neck. “My job is already on the line. This is the last thing I need.”
I work forTheChronicle, a prestigious weekly newspaper. My health—mental and physical—has been a worry over the last year, so this shit is not going to go down well for me.
“Sweetie, please don’t worry about work. They know the real you.”
“Even so, Cole has made me look really bad.” I bring a heavy hand to my head and wince. “This is a nightmare, Zoe.”
“I know, but you’re bigger than this. You know you are, so please try to calm down.” She takes a quick breath. “Grab a cup of coffee at the café if you can and take some time to cool off before you head out.”
I glance at the clock. I now have ten minutes before I have to leave for the airport.
What awaits me when I reach my destination and see everyone?
Embarrassment, humiliation, shame.Sadness.
I don’t want any of it. I’ve always tried to be independent and show my strength. Especially since my family and Zoe moved to New York at the beginning of last year. But shitty things like this keep happening to set me back.
“Autumn, please be strong,” Zoe pleads. “You’ve come too far to allow something like this to get to you.”
I release an exhausted breath. “Okay.” My voice is whisper soft.
“We’ll catch up over a drink when you get here. I can’t wait to see you.”
“You too.”
“Luv ya.” I imagine Zoe doing her habitual salute with a kiss to her fingertips.
“Love you too.”
We hang up and my gaze drifts right back to the hauntingly beautiful faces of Cole and Charlotte on my laptop screen.
I focus on Charlotte, who looks so much like me we could be the same person. We have the same heart-shaped face, same hair color, same willowy figure we inherited from Mom. But we aren’t the same. I would never have allowed my fiancé to hurt her.