Page 106 of A Foster Fling
He had taken my virginity in violence, taken me from the back like a dog, with me bent over a restaurant kitchen prep counter. There was no love. There were no sweet words. Just pain and horror and blood.
I knew on some level that the fluid leaking from my body, collecting between us, was blood. He had taken me savagely, punishing me for daring to break a sacred family rule–we didn’t turn on our own. We didn’t take up weapons against our own, especially not our family.You drew blood first. My turn, princesa.
Like an out of body experience, my disbelief left me numb as my brain screamed for me to fight. He rubbed my back and tsk’d.
“You know you shouldn’t make me angry, Salma.”
I didn’t respond. I didn’t move. I didn’t even breathe.
“What do you say?”
Did he seriously want me to apologize for him raping me? That would be a cold fucken day in hell. Maybe I didn’t have it in me to kill him–not yet, but that was before he violated me beyond repair. He knew virginity was everything in a syndicate marriage. Daughters were often used as gifts to secure alliances. No one wanted an opened, used gift. My father might very well kill me when I failed the bridal checkup. Fuck!
“What do you say, Salma, when you hurt someone you love?” This time, he reached between us to rub his thumb over my asshole.
I bucked under his weight, heaving sharply, choking on the teary breaths of panic. The warning was not lost on me.
Hell must be frozen.
“I’m sorry,” I gulped brokenly.
He leaned forward then, to whisper in my ear, “I forgive you,mi princesa.” He began moving within me, gently, as if fucking me less ferosiously now would negate his initial brutal assault. “I had planned for our first time to be more romantic, and while this will be…memorable, it is not what I had envisioned for us. I wish you wouldn’t have made me hurt you like this. It’s a hard lesson, but I’m sure you won’t make the same mistake again.”
With that, I felt him erupt, a thick warmth that stung the torn flesh within me. When he pulled out, I didn’t dare move without his permission. The lesson I got from this was that I needed to tread carefully with him until I could get with Emiko and we could escape. I could play the part. I could be the good girl he wanted.
I felt him part my tender pussy and shove rough fabric into my bruised channel. “Your panties will have to do.”
Raul pulled me up, straightened my clothes, then gathered me close. I stood stiffly as he tucked me into his chest. But my poor heart. So confused. So desperately needing comfort. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his masculine scent and let out all the emotional torment I had in Raul’s arms.
He rubbed me softly on my back and whispered words of love. Up and Down. Soothing. As he stroked me, my eyes grew heavy. I breathed out, letting my sobs subside to hiccups.
“Let me clean you,princesa.” His large hands circled my waist and lifted me onto the counter. “Legs up, open wide, heels on the edge of the table.”
I balked at the order, and he frowned. Seconds passed, and I didn’t move.
“What did I say, Salma?”
I had told myself that I would be compliant, but this was too much. “This, um, humiliates me. Everything is gross. I really don’t want to see myself like this…or for you to see me like this.”
His eyes softened a bit. “There is never anything to be embarrassed about with me. I used to change your diapers, remember?”
I nearly vomited at the reminder of who this man really was to me. He was not only my rapist, but my brother. I swallowed the bile that gathered in my throat.
Raul retrieved a clean towel and went to the sink. He moistened it, added a drop of soap, then returned. He stood before me and waited.
I shook my head.
“Salma, do you need another round with the spoon? Remember where that led last time.”
I bit my lip and finally resigned myself to the degradation of it. I obeyed. I opened my legs for him, just as he asked, and what I saw would haunt my dreams for life. So much blood.You drew blood first. My turn, princesa.
“I’ll call a car to come get us,” he said as he gently wiped the blood from my thighs. I hissed my pain when the warm water and soap hit my tender center. “If anyone asks about the blood on your white socks, tell them Emiko accidentally cut herself.”
I nodded blankly.
“Next time, it will be better. I promise. I will make it good for you. I will give you everything you would have received had I not had to punish you.”
Oh, God. There was going to be a next time? He was going to rape me again? Not as punishment, but for pleasure? Oh, God, please no.