Page 107 of A Foster Fling
I might not survive long enough to escape.
Staring off into space, I prayed he’d hurry so I could get home. I just wanted to go home. He’d raped me. He’d used my bunched panties as a pseudo tampon. My ass and thighs were battered and bruised from his brutal punishment. I just wanted to shower and go to bed.
Finally, he was done. And I was checking out. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.
Exhausted from my ordeal, and barely able to walk, Raul carried me to the waiting car. He let out a content sigh, kissing my forehead. “I can’t wait for you to grow big with my child.” He whispered happily in my ear.
Hold the fuck up. Psycho brother say what now?
My eyes fluttered shut and I heard no more.
Chapter Six
Today was Salma’s high school graduation, but I had not seenmi princesasince I’d tucked her into bed the evening before. A vision of a panting Salma lying over the counter with her abused ass on display ran rent free through my mind. Her moans and groans as I slapped her hard with the wooden spoon made my cock ache. Remembering how her tight, virginal cunt almost choked my dick had me nearly spewing in my pants like a teenager.
“Raul, are you with us boy?” My father’s voice brought me back to reality.
I was in yet another meeting. The fucking Russians were trying to take over territory, and we were planning on hitting them back. A few of our runners were killed in a driveby, and Bruno was livid.
“I just don’t see how blowing up a small store would hit the Russians back,” I offered. “Wouldn’t it be better to level a small area in the Russian district?”
“And have the Feds beating down our door?” Antoñio barked, rising out of his chair with his outrage.
Our?What was thisour?Wedidn’t have the authorities kicking in our door.Idid.
“Sit down.” My father drew himself up in his chair so he looked bigger.
Everyone started speaking at once, trying to be heard over one another. Fuck, this was a mad house. Beyond disrespectful to bring this chaos in here. We were gentlemen, after all. We needed to conduct ourselves as such.
I stood and so did my father. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at the ceiling. As soon as the shot rang out, the other men pulled their weapons looking around them for the enemy.
“Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.” I said in the silent aftermath.
A chunk of the ceiling fell down and dropped onto my suit jacket. I brushed it off and waited until everyone was sitting quietly. “Like I was saying, we can’t blow them up. It’s too risky. We need to do something else while also solidifying our new alliance with the Irish.”
Antonio groaned. “We don’t need the Irish.”
“Yes we do, and Idareyou to go against me again,” my father warned.
Bruno waved his hand at the still shaken servant in the corner to resume bringing him his drink. My father threw the alcohol back, took a light for his cigar, and waved the servant away. I didn’t pay much more attention until a softly spoken “perdoname” reached my ears as the servant opened the door andshecame in.
My light. My life. She still wore her school uniform like she was trying to entice me. Reminding me of our previous lessons, but she would be changing for graduation soon. Our eyes locked. Hers murky and confused. I’m sure mine showed the possession I felt as I held her gaze, because I wanted her to understand that there was no confusion for me. It happened. She was mine now. And she needed to accept that.
“Congratulations,mi princesa.”Our father pulled her into a big hug.
How fucking dare he call her by that name?
She returned the embrace but then Bruno began whispering in her ear. Her face went red, her eyes widened, and her plump pink lips dropped into a shocked O that made me wish I had plunged my cock into her mouth before I took her virginity.
Later,I soothed myself. I would introduce her to the pleasures of oral sex. Maybe after the graduation ceremony this evening, I would show her the pinnacle of ecstasy that a well-placed tongue could give to a woman.
Bruno gave her a small kiss on the cheek and pulled away.
Salma giggled and stumbled a bit as she walked away from him. I instantly regretted not having an earpiece in so I could hear what information our father had passed along that would have my girl so flustered.