Page 74 of A Foster Fling
“Shut up,” he snaps.
“Shut up.Shut up!”
Jaiden jumps off me and his hands are fisted on either side of his head. Pushing my hair back, I watch as he shakes his head and slams it back against his footboard with a loud crash. Getting up on my elbow slowly, I curl my legs tighter to get farther away from him. Something inside of me yearns to help but I’m so scared at not knowing what’s going on.
Jaiden’s heavy breaths are the only thing I see as he sits there like a statue with his knees up. The air around us feels different, the darkness from before thinning out.What was that?
He buries his face in his hands and my heart breaks. Something pulls me like puppet strings as I slowly crawl towards him. My hand grazes his arm, and he flinches. How did the roles reverse so quickly?
My hand reaches out again, and he slaps it away so hard it stings.What the fuck?How can he evenseeme with his head still buried?
“I don’t need your fuckingpity, Mel.”
My heart stutters. He’s only called me that once. The memories flash before my eyes harder than I want them to, and they begin to burn with tears.
Dad is whipping him again. Why is he so mad?
“You will learn the rules of this house, boy!”
Jaiden doesn’t say a word but just stands there, staring at the ground, his body shaking from the tears he’s holding in.
“For an Asian kid, you can’t seem to get the simplest things through your thick skull.”
Mom is nowhere in sight. It’s always like this. Anything Dad says is law. Mother makes herself scarce until she’s called for. How she can even keep a smile on her face, I’ll never understand.
“Melanie! You better get your ass back to your room if you know what’s good for you.”
Thwack! Thwack!
“You’re going to sleep on the kitchen floor tonight for what you did.”
I slowly walk backward and right when I turn, I hear the softest plea that comes out as a whisper.
My heart breaks and I’m at war with myself on what to do.
“Melanie! Don’t make me tell you again!”
A chill goes down my spine and I run.
“Go ahead and judge me.”
Shaking my head to rid myself of the memory, I frown at his statement. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Don’t act like you’re innocent. Your eyes are condemning me just like the way his does.”
Suddenly, our parents are back. “We’re home!”
Jaiden’s eyes darken and he has a faraway look like he’s mentally removed himself from the room.
“We’re up here!” I tell them.