Page 89 of A Foster Fling
It’s the muffled noise that pulls me. The sound of whimpers from a familiar voice, but not in a familiar way. The anger consumes me and my hands ball into fists as I take the stairs two at a time to get to the top. The bedroom door is closed, and his voice makes my eyes see red.
“Princess, I’ve missed you.”
I slam my shoulder into the door, not caring if it’s locked or not. He startles and looks back but when he sees me, his smile turns evil.Who the fuck is this man?His face is that of my father but there’s something inside of him. I’ve never seen it before, but I see it now.
His face morphs back and forth as he continues to hold Mel down, his hand over her mouth, his other around her neck. Her shirt is ripped and one of her breasts is hanging out, making me enraged.
My mind blacks in and out and suddenly I’m on top of him throwing punches. Despite his age, he’s stronger than he looks. The automatic fear inside of me pisses me off as I stamp it out of my mind and claw at his eyes. A fist hits my chin, and it rattles my teeth, stunning me for a few seconds.
“What have I told you, boy? Leave the man’s work to me since you’re nothing but an ass-fucker.”
His hands are around my neck and the breath gets stolen out of me. I’m pissed at the fact that I let him get the upper hand. My knee hits him in the thigh, but it does nothing.
“Or is it you who likes to take it up the ass, hmm? You think I don’t know? Son, you’re more stupid than I thought.”
Melanie wraps her arm around his neck, but he throws her back and knocks her into the dresser with a crash.
That move cost him dearly, as my fist landed right in his eye socket, knocking me to the side. The moment his hands are off my neck, I take in a painful breath. Grabbing Mel, I pull her to her feet and out of the room towards the stairs.
She doesn’t say a word and runs down. The moment I take the first step, something pushes me, and I feel my body fall forward. Each impact, each hit makes my life flash before my eyes. I can hear the screams, but something inside of me burns, transforming.
When I hit the bottom, the pain doesn’t take away the fact that I can still hear every footstep he takes down the stairs leisurely.
“You were always good for nothing. Mary should have left you in that damn orphanage.”
Groaning, I roll onto my stomach and cough out blood. The brightness of the color amidst the gray of this so-called life makes me laugh. It’s the only color, the only living thing in this current plane.
My teeth ache and my hands push against the ground to bring me to my knees. My head slams back onto the hardwood floor as Dad wraps his hand around my neck.
“Jealousy gets you nowhere, child. It’s a demon that devours your soul the more you let it fester.” I laugh at the irony of this statement.
My pants are pulled down and I lift my lip in disgust.
“You’re going to need to be put in your place. Seems the switch does nothing to fix you. I’m going to have to exorcise your demons this way. This is what you wanted, wasn’t it? Why you’re always around my princess, preventing me from taking what’s mine?”
Struggling against his grip, I turn my face and bare my teeth. “She’s never been yours. She was mine the moment I saw her!”
“What in the blasphemy—”
Swish. Thunk!
A knife lands near him and we both turn our heads to look at Melanie, standing in the kitchen. She missed. Of course, she did.
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. What will your mother think when she comes back from the store?” he sneers.
Melanie scrambles to grab another knife from the kitchen drawer, but he’s already halfway in her direction.
“No! Get away from me!” she cries out.
“Princess. Is that any way to talk to your father?”
“Get away from—”