Page 96 of A Foster Fling
When the world is full of black-and-white, Y.D. plays in the grey zones, spending her time creating new ways to shock and awe her editor, as well as her readers.
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Depravity in the Dark
By: Selena Michaels
Short and dirty just like y'all like it. I want to thank my team, my family, and all the amazing people who’ve touched, read, or even supported this short story. Don’t worry, there will be more Raul…soon.
Salma was finally turning eighteen and she was meant to be mine. I spent my time tracking her and watching her blossom into a beautiful mafia queen. The Cartel wants to give her hand away, but I won’t lose her. I can’t. Our father won’t let me claim what’s mine. And, if I can’t have Salma, then no one will. Will the cartel takemi princesa?Or will I rise from the ashes and show them what this monster can do?
“Get back here, boy,” my foster father bellowed.
I ran as fast as my feet could carry me through my bedroom. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. After sliding my bedroom window up, I climbed out and leapt toward the tree that was my natural ladder to the ground. I shimmied down as my foster father hung out and yelled obscenities at me.
Here I was starving, and suddenly I was a thief for looking for food that should have been bought with the money the state gave him for my care. Instead, he’d spent it all on alcohol. There was nothing to steal out of the kitchen.
Fuck it. I was so hungry, I didn’t care. I’d find food somewhere else.
I spent aimless hours walking around town, digging in the garbage, looking for an edible meal. If it was too soggy, I tossed it. If it had other food on it, I tried to clean it. I didn’t care about the smell. When hunger pains struck, a guy like me would eat anything to soothe them.
“Hey, kid! What the fuck are you doing out here?” The local baker stepped out of his building and glared at me.
“Nothing, Mr. Henry.” When a kid like me comes to his place of business to root around in his trash, of course he’d get angry.
Mr. Henry had a broom in his hand, ready to beat me away. “Get the hell out of here, kid. I told you last time to stop going through my trash. It makes my business look scummy, and I’m not trying to attract any more weirdos.”
I knew I should just leave. I didn’t need him to call the police. When a foster kid like me gets picked up, not only would I have to explain to my social worker why the fuck I’m in lockup, but my foster father would kick my ass when I finally got home. I didn’t want to deal with that headache.
My hand grabbed onto something solid in his dumpster. It wasn’t soggy or wet. I pulled it up and into the light. Score! A piece of bread. I stuck it in my mouth and bit gently. It was stale, but not inedible. What a fucking lucky day this was!
Beaming, I hopped out of the dumpster, holding my prize against my chest.
An explosion of pain burst behind my eyes. Fuck! Stunned, I grabbed the back of my head and ran forward trying to escape the pain. Mr. Henry lifted the broomstick above his head to hit me once more. His eyes shifted and I could see the crazy in them.
“Hey! What’s going on around here?” A sharp voice stole my gaze.
At the opening of the alley, stood a man in the nicest business suit I’d ever seen.
“Nothing to see here. Mind your business.” Mr. Henry snarled.
“That’s my charge. So, I think I’ll make it my business if you don’t mind.” I heard the sound of a click.