Page 95 of A Foster Fling
She turns her face away, the anger evident in her features, but she doesn’t say a word. I watch as her jaw flexes and at this angle; I can see so much of Jaiden in her face.
“How can you ask me to love you, and not let me love that part of you too?”
Quick as lightning, her hand wraps around my throat again, but she doesn’t squeeze. Instead, she stares into my eyes, and I can almost see something inside. My worry over Jaiden begins to dull the fear I originally had.Is he okay? Has he been looking for me?Was this what he was battling the whole time—alone?
I could have helped him. I could have been there!I miss him so damn much I’m falling apart at the seams.
My hand shakily comes up and cradles the face looking at me. The face of a stranger and the face of a familiar all at once. Her breath hitches and I let the tears stream down my cheeks as I press my lips against hers.
“Come back to me,” I plead.
“He doesn’t deserve you.”
Each spoken word whispers our lips against one another. I’m about to offer up my own damn life just to bring him back when a thought crosses my mind.
“You never deserved me, either. But I loved you both anyway.”
She groans, her body crumpling onto the ground. Her hands begin to slap the side of her temples and I’m at a loss at what to do.
I still don’t even know where the hell I am.
Her rocking is freaking me out.
“Jada? J-Jaiden?” I’m full-blown sobbing, and his name barely comes out clearly.
I promised myself I wouldn’t say his name again. But how many times has his eyes and actions promised me he’d always be my asshole brother?
An asshole brother that left me to rot.
“Jaiden! You fucking left me! How could you?” I shouldn’t take it out on him, but the floodgates are now open, and I can’t bottle in the emotions anymore. “You left me and took the best part of me with you.” My hands are over my face. I’m pissed that I can’t stop the tears from falling. Pissed at this is where our paths have led us. Pissed there’s no fucking light at the end of this stupid tunnel we’ve been put on.
“She told me you’d never love me. I was never supposed to love you.You were supposed to hate me!”
I gasp. Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I stare at the person in front of me. It still looks like Jada, but those eyes are Jaiden’s.
“How can I hate the only person I ever loved?” I’m yelling. A profession of love shouldn’t be like this.What is wrong with us?
“How can you love a person who can’t even love themself?”
This fucker!
I lunge and slap at his chest, taking out all my frustrations with his stupidity and self-depreciating bullshit. He lets me—for a while. Then he locks me in his arms so tight I can barely move my shoulders.
I’m sobbing again. A complete vulnerable mess. All the walls I’ve built up were for nothing when I’m held by Jaiden like this. My voice comes out strained, broken, and in a whisper. “I can’t help who I love.”
He rubs his face into the crook of my neck and rocks us both in his lap. “I can’t either.”
Back to where it all started:
About the Author
If you get your kicks in a magical manner, order toys from websites like bad dragon, and prefer your monstersinyour bed instead ofunderthem, then Y. D. is your girl.
Writing everything from spicy dark fantasy to fluffier-than-a-cool-marshmallow romance, Y.D. La Mar has her fingers in all sorts of man-meat pie, and the sky is the limit. Somehow, this magical mistress manages to balance her spicy author life with her responsibilities as a mom, a wife, and a resident of Sin City—oh, irony, you've felled me.