Page 22 of Touched By Destiny
Eric remained on the same disappointing ghost-hunt he’d started a week ago. Whatever was left of the soul, it was a faint echo of who they’d been in life. And they were wandering. Eric would get close, only to find the fluttering inside telling him a spirit was nearby had disappeared. Hours later, he’d feel it again and hope the ghost could wait until morning.
Keeping his schedule rigid hadn’t bothered Eric until his soulmate had dumped him and he’d realized he didn’t even have a say in how he spent his days. Gabriel and his father had always designed everything without complaint from Eric. Too lost in the clouds mooning over the impossibly beautiful man hovering a few feet away, Eric had allowed his life to spiral out of his control.
Now, he was stuck spending his mornings with Gabriel, and his attempt to have Rhonda at his side instead had been instantly slapped down by his father. On some level, Eric couldn’t blame him. It wasn’t as if Eric could explain why he didn’t want Gabriel around. So, he’d had to lean heavily on how wonderful Rhonda was and pretend there wasn’t anything else motivating his sudden desire for change. His father had been unmoved and uninterested in the idea of reassignment.
So, Eric was stuck with Gabriel. They stood out in the scorching sun, and Eric took some perverse pleasure because he was dressed for the weather in a T-shirt and thin shorts, while Gabriel had on his customary suit sans tie. Eric wasn’t one to wish suffering on another, but he hoped Gabriel’s balls were dripping with sweat in his perfectly pressed slacks.
“Have you found your spirit yet?” Gabriel asked softly.
They were standing in a parking lot on Tropicana Avenue, to the east of the strip near a long string of shops with fadedterracotta tile roofs. Thankfully, there weren’t many people around so early in the morning because the custom-built stretch sedan they’d emerged from was conspicuous among the compact cars and minivans around them.
“No,” Eric replied.
“How long have you been searching for this one?”
Eric forced himself to meet Gabriel’s grass green eyes. He could read little of the inspirit’s thoughts, and he cursed his foolish imagination. How had he ever thought he’d catch the interest of such a reserved and enigmatic man? He’d known Gabriel his entire life but had no clue how his mind worked or why he bothered to feign interest in the things Eric did. Lust had allowed Eric to have Gabriel alone long enough to make memories that still made his heart race, but it had faded fast. At least for Gabriel.
“Why do you want to know?” Eric asked belligerently.
“I was just curious.”
“We don’t have to pretend to be friends, Gabriel.”
“We are friends.”
Eric snorted, though he was far from amused. “Please don’t humor me.”
“Look, I know this whole situation is fucked up. But we did nothing wrong. We gave in to an impulse, and we’re unattached adults. We couldn’t have known about this whole other business.”
“I should’ve just gotten drunk and skinny-dipped in a pool instead,” Eric muttered, trying not to let his hurt show as Gabriel cut fresh wounds into him.
Gabriel smiled. “Maybe you should do that. Have a little fun.”
“I already did. Last week. Rhonda told me to enjoy myself and explore new things. So, that’s what I’m doing.”
“Please tell me you skinny-dipped at home,” Gabriel growled.
The expression on Gabriel’s face at learning about his naked escapade made Eric’s belly flop, and he had at least one question in his mind answered. There was genuine attraction there. Gabriel hadn’t slept with him out of pity or because he hadn’t wanted to reject the boss’s son. That spark was real, and although their relationship was a disaster now, it soothed Eric to know nothing about their raw coupling had been feigned. Unfortunately, desire was the only thing they had in common besides two souls that had reached for each other. And those souls would now go without their other half thanks to Gabriel’s decision to end things.
“I did this time,” Eric replied. “I enjoyed it, and I plan to do it again.”
“Is that why you want to learn to drive? So you can find places to skinny-dip?”
Eric rolled his eyes. “No, I’m an adult and I want to learn. It shouldn’t be up for debate, and if you have any arguments against it, keep them to yourself.”
“I don’t have any problem with you learning to drive. But I hope you’ll remember that you have security for a reason. I’d hate for you to gamble with your life. Bring a guard with you. Promise me, Eric, that no matter where you go, you’ll be safe.”
The last thing Eric wanted to do was promise Gabriel anything, but he said, “I don’t want to die, and with a few distinct exceptions like bringing you to a hotel room, I’m not in the habit of doing stupid things.”
Gabriel took the insult in stride and bobbed his head in agreement. Even in the bright glare of the sun with sweat glistening on his forehead, Eric knew he’d make the same foolish decision of having sex with him again. Irritated with himselfand Gabriel, he focused again on the elusive spirit sporadically tugging at his soul.
Helping the spirit find peace would do little to level out the cascade of rioting emotions inside Eric, but his ghost-hunts were never about him. Eric wanted no soul to suffer and had long ago made it his mission to fight for those without a voice. And he couldn’t do that if he spent every hour of his day focused on the gorgeous blond who’d broken his heart.
Chapter 11
Aweek after Gabriel returned to work, he trudged into Clark’s office and reminded himself to stand up straight. He was tired of evading questions about what was bothering him, and the people around him were far too perceptive. The Marwoods and the employees Gabriel oversaw knew him too well not to recognize that he wasn’t his usual self.