Page 81 of Touched By Destiny
Richard held out his hand for Tasha with a baleful stare at Gabriel. As usual, his outfit was black and trendy. His face was subtly painted, and not a single strand of hair was out of place.
“Hi, I’m Richard. Apparently, I’m the biggest pain in the ass. And can I just say you are flawless. You’ll have to teach me how to do that little double fling with eyeliner, I’m obsessed.”
“Only if you teach me to contour,” Tasha replied. “I’m having serious cheekbone envy right now.”
“Deal,” Richard said with a chuckle as he stepped back next to his mother. “These are the parents; don’t let them make you nervous.”
Rhonda introduced Clark and Rosalind, and they greeted Tasha warmly. As they shook hands, Eric came to stand next to Gabriel. After slipping an arm around Eric’s waist, Gabriel kissed his temple.
“And this is Eric,” Rhonda said after Tasha greeted David.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Eric commented.
“The pleasure is mine,” Tasha replied. “You and your brother have killer ink on your hands. Did it hurt like a bitch?”
“Yes,” Eric and Richard said together.
Tasha laughed. “I have one small tattoo on the back of my neck, and I cried through the whole thing. Before that, I thought I had great pain tolerance. Turns out I don’t.”
“Okay, but you didn’t pick an easy spot either,” Richard responded.
“Exactly what I said,” Rhonda commented, once again tangling her fingers with Tasha’s.
“Should we have a drink before you guys head out?” Clark offered.
“Up to you,” Gabriel told Rhonda. “We have time before our reservation, and Paxton is driving us.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had a driver before tonight,” Tasha commented. The pair had been picked up by Paxton at the casino where they were dining. Rhonda had parked her car there, and she planned to drive herself and Tasha home.
“These Marwoods are fancy,” Rhonda teased.
“What can I get for you, Tasha? Wine, beer, something mixed? Between David and Richard, they can pretty much put together anything you want,” Rosalind said.
“Wine is great, white if you have it,” Tasha replied.
“Dry or sweet?” Clark asked.
“Um, the less sweet the better?” Tasha responded, her statement sounding more like a question.
“I’ll open a bottle of Sauvignon blanc,” David said and left for the kitchen.
“Eric, martini?” Richard asked.
“Yes,” Eric replied.
“Don’t worry, Gabriel, I’ll grab you a beer,” Richard commented with an absent wave of his hand as he followed David out.
“I’ve grown so predictable,” Gabriel lamented.
“You know I love you, but you’ve always been predictable,” Rosalind responded.
Eric chuckled and kissed Gabriel’s cheek. “She’s right.”
“So much for my attempts to be brooding and mysterious,” Gabriel teased.
“Oh, please, you’re definitely brooding,” Clark said.
“I can’t really argue with that either,” Eric remarked, his laughter growing stronger.