Page 82 of Touched By Destiny
With a smile, Gabriel caressed Eric’s cheek and kissed his grin. “I guess you’re into the brooding type.”
“Hmm, yes. A serious and protective hero wearing a scowl storming in and clutching me to him. It was pretty much my every fantasy.”
“Well, then, I’m happy to oblige,” Gabriel mused, turning so he could take Eric fully into his arms.
“You are pretty dreamy,” Eric responded, brushing their lips together.
Gabriel studied Eric and the lovely wistful gaze that had haunted him for years before he’d finally given in to his desire to be with him. “No, you’re the captivating one.”
Without responding verbally, Eric slanted his head and fused their mouths together. Their tongues met, and Gabriel forgot where they were or that anyone else on the planet existed.The world be damned, his soulmate was the only thing that mattered.
Chapter 33
Eric slipped into the jacket Gabriel held out for him with a smile. They’d had an extraordinary night with Rhonda and Tasha, and Eric hoped they’d get together again soon. Tasha’s dark gaze had fallen on Rhonda all night, and her affection for her soulmate was plain to see. Although Tasha didn’t know the truth yet about inspirits and the secrets Rhonda was keeping, Eric was optimistic things would work out for the pair.
“Be sure and give your brother my number,” Tasha said as she reached out to hug Eric. She stepped aside to allow Rhonda to enfold Eric in her arms. “And you call me too.”
“I will, I promise,” Eric replied while Gabriel embraced their dinner companions. “Take care of Rhonda. She’s like Gabriel and works too hard. Neither of them takes much time for themselves.”
“Oh, you aren’t kidding,” Tasha responded with a grin for Rhonda, who was shrugging. “I have to keep my eye on her to keep her from checking her phone for emails or texts constantly.”
“That’s hardly true. Why would I even care if someone was trying to contact me when I’m with you?” Rhonda asked.
Tasha chuckled, snuggled close to Rhonda, and kissed her softly. “I can’t deny that you’re an attentive girlfriend.”
“I try my best,” Rhonda replied, winking at Tasha.
As they stared at each other fondly, Eric grabbed Gabriel’s hand and squeezed.
“We have to do this again soon,” Eric said.
“Definitely,” Rhonda answered.
“Drive safely,” Gabriel said.
“Tell Paxton to do the same,” Rhonda responded. The pair headed through the casino toward the parking garage with a wave.
“Want to try your luck at the slots before we head home?” Gabriel asked.
“I’m good, thanks,” Eric replied. “I have a date in the morning with an antsy spirit, so I should probably get a good night’s sleep.”
“Ah, yes, the new one that found you this morning. What have you learned?”
“Precious little. Hopefully, I can meet them tomorrow and they’ll step through the portal so they can be reunited with their loved ones.”
Gabriel led Eric out through the front of the sprawling casino, and Paxton had the car waiting for them. They greeted the friendly inspirit and climbed into the vehicle. Feeling wonderful after a lovely night, Eric rested his head on Gabriel’s shoulder as Paxton pulled away from the curb.
“What if they don’t have any?” Gabriel asked, taking Eric’s hand again and toying with his fingers.
“We were talking about ghosts and returning them to their family. What if they don’t have any? Inspirits don’t have family.”
“Not true,” Paxton called out as Eric straightened and turned to meet Gabriel’s pensive gaze. “We don’t have blood connections, but we have found families. I’m surrounded by people who care about me and who I love in return. Eric, you and your relatives have made me feel secure and wanted since the minute I woke up. And I live in a building with my closest friends. We hang out constantly, and if I need anything, I have a long list of people I can call.”
“Yeah, but I’m talking about other inspirits. Like the ones we help,” Gabriel said. “The ones with necros that do little more than resurrect them. Or try to mold them into being someone they aren’t meant to be, so they set off on their own. Maybe there are humans and necros disconnected from family and friends too. What about them? What’s waiting for them on the other side of that portal?”
Eric bent his head to stare at their joined hands as he bit his lip.