Page 29 of Wild in Spirit
His words were like ice water washing over her. He didn’t want her? What the actual fuck. He didn’t want her. She had been moments from giving in to the bond, to ripping the necklace off, and declaring him hers. But now, she froze. Every fear of rejection that she didn’t know she had, ran through her, every doubt she had about herself roared in her mind, and she fought back a sudden onslaught of tears. What was so wrongwith her that he wanted to walk away? No, no. Just when the real possibility of giving in swept over her, he told her no?
“You’re serious? I’m literally throwing myself at you, and you’re rejecting me?”
He frowned but didn’t say anything. He was infuriating. There were plenty of men in this world who needed to learn how to shut the fuck up, but he wasn’t one of them. She needed to know what he was thinking, what he wanted. She needed to know how to handle him. If she had been thinking clearly in the moment, she might have understood his reasoning. But surrounded by his scent, intoxicated by his presence, and wrapped up in a frenzy of need, she lost the final shred of control that she had.
She snapped, furious at herself, angry and confused by him.
Hands on his chest, she pushed him backwards. “I’m not good enough for you?” She shook her head, staving off the tears, and getting one last good look at the beautifully silent man in front of her. “No. Don’t answer that. I don’t care. One way or another, I’m getting my guts rearranged tonight. Doesn’t have to be you. Matter of fact, there’s a whole party of men who will fuck me. I don’t beg.”
One more time, she pushed past him, raging within herself, before facing him and walking backwards. “And tomorrow? Don’t hold your breath on tomorrow. I’ll be long gone by then.”
There was a whole lot of party left, and she would make use of it. But as she stomped her way through the brush, and the lights of the party loomed closer, tears stung her eyes before she could brush them away.
He was right, and she hated that.For the first time, she hated herself.
She came to the party tonight knowing she would meet her mate, and she had planned to stay distant, stay away for both of their sake’s. She certainly hadn’t meant to try and fuck him. Fucking him would be a mistake, making the eventual rejectionthat much harder. She knew that, and the fact he figured that out when she couldn’t resist meant this was going to be much harder on him than she thought. Without knowing it, he was more in tune with her than she was her own self. She wanted to scream, to kick something, but instead she only stomped through the brush back to the party.
While she wasn’t angry enough to fuck someone to get back at him, she knew she had to do something to fix this. But the only thing left was plan B, the plan Ava had called ridiculous, but she was desperate. She couldn’t let him get attached to her, she couldn’t let him even think about it. She needed him to hate her, to think the worst of her. It was the only way she could spare him in any way. If he hated her, looked down on her, he could walk away and never look back. He would be happy to lose her.As he should be. She would never be good enough for this man.
Stepping back into the ballroom and heading straight to the rowdiest group, she moved quickly as her anger faded away and was replaced by the calm of a new plan. Tonight, she would give everyone the Bailey they had waited for. The Bailey they saw on social media. The Bailey she thought she wanted to be.
He would hate her when she was done, and she was going to need a lot of alcohol to be able to do this to him.
“You guys circle jerking? Last one to come has to eat it?”
Plastering a smile on her face, she slapped Gio on the back and squeezed into the little group they had made around a large keg. Grinning wildly, they cheered at her arrival.
“Naw, the Tuisa guys have never done keg stands before. Bout to crack this bad boy open and see who can handle it.”
A hand slid around her back, pulling her close in a side hug. “You gonna show us how?”
She smirked up at Isaiah. “In this outfit? You just want to see my ass out.” She pushed through the group to the bar behind them. “Lift me up, boys. If I’m going to show you how to drink,it’s going to be like a lady, and it’s going to be with liquor. Beer is for the weak.”
Another cheer filled the air, and she was lifted effortlessly onto the bar. Leaning to grab two nearly full bottles, she pulled the stoppers yet again and tossed them. Handing one to each of the shifters closest to her, she pointed at the keg.
“Who’s up first?”
Spinning around, with her ass towards the bartender, she dropped her head back, letting her head and hair dangle. The two guys with bottles braced her shoulders and took up position to pour. Gio started shouting instructions, and soon, they had someone upside down over the keg, and the two others poured streams of liquor into her mouth. Holding onto them, she kept her balance as she chugged straight liquor, ignoring the burn in her throat.
This was the quickest way to forget. The quickest way to be the woman he would never want. Even as she struggled to keep up with the liquor, she could feel his presence, feel that he was nearby, watching. When the other shifter dropped from the keg, coughing and choking, they pulled her up, holding her arms in the air as the winner.
The entire front of her lace was soaked from the splatter, and her neck and chest were still dripping when the next challenge was issued. Another Tuisa shifter’s legs were up, and she was back down guzzling more of the liquor.
When she and a few other girls were laid back on the bar, they were paired up to compete head-to-head, hands gripping onto each other, and shot after shot was poured and balanced on their bodies. She didn’t hesitate to push for more, didn’t even think she could stop at this point. The fear was still there, the buzz of him nearby keeping her going, and she blocked everything else out. Even when the opening in her lace body suit was rippedopen at her stomach and shots were poured into her belly button, she only yelled for more.
Dozens of limes and rows of salt lined her body, as well as several other women on the bar, and when someone yelled “GO!” her team of drinkers sucked and licked at her body greedily. Every drop spilled was lapped up by stray lips, both men and women, and she encouraged the attention, pulling their faces closer to her neck, her stomach, her thighs.But it wasn’t enough. She needed to make him hate everything she was, everything she stood for. She wasn’t right for him. Flipping over, she crawled to her partner, and after swinging her legs around, she faced her, riding the girl’s hips while she playfully bucked upwards.
She was handed a new bottle, and after pouring it into her mouth, then down the girl’s body, following each drop with her own lips, cheers rose from the crowd. She was egged on by their shouting, garnering more attention from the rest of the ballroom, and in a blur of drunken reasoning, she knew this would do it. She would be too wild, too embarrassing to want. His only memory of her would be to thank the Goddess she’d left.
The girl’s hands gripped Bailey’s thighs when their lips met, and Bailey pushed her hands over her head, then flipped her own hair back to mock ride her face. Slowly and seductively, she let her hands roam over both their bodies, shaking her hair out and grinding into her.
“Fuck, that’s hot!”
“Pull her tits out!”
When one song ended and there was a lull in the music playing, she could hear the jeers from those around her, and she pulled back, grinning before hollering over all of them.