Page 30 of Wild in Spirit
“Baby, I’ve ridden more dick than most of you have seen. I don’t need instructions. I just need a dick.”
More laughter and offers rose around her, and she was jerked down on top of someone else. Without looking, she wrapped her legs around him, tightening her grip when he swung them in a circle and plopped her on the table next to the now-empty keg.
By then, the world was fuzzy and foggy, and she barely recognized Isaiah’s face against hers when he nuzzled her neck, whispering in her ear.
“I think I’m in love. Let’s get out of here, baby.”
“No. I wanna dance. Take me dancing.”
Even as Isaiah pushed himself between her legs, she could hear the slurring, hear how awful she was, but she couldn’t stop. She had begun this downward spiral to make herself the bad guy, to make him hate her, but this was too much, too far. She felt the panic and the tears as she was overwhelmed by Isaiah’s insistence, and she couldn’t help but search for Nassau in the crowd, to seek him out despite it all.
But she didn’t stop Isaiah. Not when he ignored her request to dance, not when his mouth found her neck, and not when he moved lower to the swell of her breast. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to remember that this was on her, that this was what she wanted. But when she opened them, she could only see him.Over Isaiah’s shoulder, Nassau stood feet away, his eyes dark and unreadable, his fists clenched at his side. She could tell he was torn, immobile amongst the rest of the partygoers, and he stood out from everyone around him.Her world slowed, and she felt nauseous and guilty.
In her drunken state, she had lost complete control. More than she had imagined, but that’s what she wanted, and despite her wolf howling mournfully, she turned away from her mate’s knowing eyes.Focusing on Isaiah, she attempted to shut Nassau out. But not even shit-faced drunk could she get Nassau’s faceout of her mind. How far could she go to make him hate her and forget about her forever?She tightened her grip around Isaiah’s neck, preparing to ask her to take her home. Tearing his lips from her throat, she leaned into his chest, her grip tightening around his waist.
This way, there would be no going back.She would never be forgiven. That’s what she wanted, right?
“Let’s go.”
“Anything for you.”
But he had no chance because, two seconds later, Isaiah was yanked away, and she was tossed over someone’s shoulder. She yelped, pushing away from his back, but he was strong, and his hand was clamped firmly on her ass.
“I know what you’re doing, Bailey. I’m not letting you do it.”
“Keoni, put me the fuck down. You’re not my dad.”
Ignoring her, he kept moving, and people around them cheered and laughed, assuming he was taking her home for whatever reason. Soon, Isaiah had caught up to them, walking alongside them with a grin on his face.
“Come on, Keoni. I wouldn’t have done it. We were just having fun.”
“She’s fucking drunk, Isaiah. This is too much, even for you. She’s going home.”
But she couldn’t concentrate on their conversation. She was upside down, stomach in Keoni’s shoulder as he walked, and the bouncing, jarring movements combined with the heat of the ballroom were getting to her.
“I’m gonna throw up.” She whispered it, barely able to get the words out, but they didn’t hear her over their arguing. So, she smacked her hand down on Keoni’s ass and raised her voice. “Put me down, you fucking ogre. I am going to throw up.”
They were outside by then, and he dumped her onto the grass. She hit the ground with a thud, and once she caught her breath,she sat up on her hands and knees, loudly cussing Keoni out. The world swam around her, and she pressed her forehead into the grass, soaking in the chilly night air, and trying to calm her stomach.She could hear Isaiah chuckling, still running his mouth about something. Anger filled her, mostly at herself, but she directed it at the two of them, the yelling providing a small amount of relief.
“You limp-dick sheep fuckers. I hope you choke on a dry biscuit. No, that’s too good for you. As soon as I can get up, I’m gonna curb stomp your dicks into an eighty-six degree angle.”
“Eighty-six degrees is crazy specific.”
Slowly, she pulled herself to one knee, trying to stand on her stilettos without wobbling, but as soon as she was upright, the world spun again, and she stumbled. “Hold me up, asshole.”
She grabbed Isaiah’s arm, glaring at his still smiling face.
“You gonna throw up? Cuz this shirt was expensive.”
“This lace bodysuit? Two grand, custom made, and I know it was you who ripped it. Boo-hoo for you if you get some regurgitated vodka on your sleeve.”
She paused for a second, taking a deep breath as all her shit-talking had her stomach rolling again. “I need to take my shoes off, or I’m gonna break my ankle. I just need to get to my Jeep. It’s somewhere in that field.”
She waved her hand at the large makeshift parking area and looked around for her clutch. It had been wrapped around her body all night, but now it was gone.
“Fuckaduck. I lost my keys and phone.”
“No way are you driving home. I’ll take you.”