Page 28 of Whole Latte Love
I extend a hand and rub her back in small, light circles. She buries her head into her knees once more. She starts to quietly sob, I can feel the reverberations as I continue to rub her back. She doesn’t pull away.
I stare at the tide, thinking about what exactly I want to say. I don’t want her to feel like I’m ignoring her history. Seth is part of her past, but he’s always going to be a part of her story. If this were a mystery story and she was my lead detective, I’d leave him single forever. Alone against the world.
But this isn’t a story. And I don’t Marie to be alone against the world any more than she already has been. I continue to rub her back, feeling her sobbing cease.
“I don’t want to rush you. You don’t need to tell me anything. I’ve hurt you and for that I am truly sorry.” She looks at me with her round, teary eyes. It makes my heart ache.
I caused her pain.
She wipes her eyes. “I told you that my husband died about ten years ago, but I didn’t tell you he died in a plane crash. You were just teasing, I’m sorry I ruined dinner.”
I reach out and gently stroke her cheek. “You didn’t ruin anything and you don’t need to apologize for your feelings. You lost a loved one, how ever much you want to share is up to you. I want to respect that and just let you know that I love you, as is.”
Her eyes widen as my words sink in.
“Theo,” she leans into me and I wrap an arm around her, “I think I’ve fallen for you too.” She whispers the last part, as if she’s not ready to shout it to the world.
The silence stretches between us once more but it’s not heavy or uncomfortable. It’s like a warm blanket wrapped around us.
I love Marie. There’s no going back now.
“I won’t ever ask you to erase him or your past, I only ask that you leave room for me in your future.”
The ocean waves soft whooshing sound are like whispers all around us.
Marie murmurs against my chest, “Thank you Theo. Thank you for finding me and for loving me.” Her voice is smooth and crisp, reverting to her normal tone.
“Can’t help it,” I reply as I kiss her head. “You’re quite a catch.”
“Can we still be together?” She looks up at me.
“Of course, we’ll take things at your pace. I’ll take as many train trips or car rides as you want.” Marie begins to smile now. “Will you be my girlfriend and face the unknown of the future together with me?”
“I’d like that.” She kisses my cheek and the future crashes into me like the waves on the beach.
I just love Christmas time here. Everything looks like it came straight from a movie set. The freshly fallen snow is stark white and glitters under the sun. Everyone decorates with lights and wreaths. I made Victor hang up colorful Christmas lights and we even got a few plastic glowing snowmen for the front. Violet and Bethany have a whole window display set up with rotating cookies on display of course. They’re always swamped around Christmas time with all the holiday parties.
I keep checking the clock. Theo is coming home any minute now.
After a lot of conversations and travel plans getting cancelled and rescheduled several times, he sold his apartment in Toronto and moved all his stuff into my cabin. The old Marie would have freaked out at every turn, but after the long beach cry and Theo confessing his feelings, things have just sort of settled into a new normal for me. For us.
All my anger, grief, and guilt have sort of dulled.
We’ve only lived together for a few long weekends that he was able to peel away from his book tour, but every moment was bliss.
His dark oak desk fits in perfectly with my furniture. Nothing of his looks out of place.
Odd how easily we combined our lives.
It was like the moment we agreed he’d move in with me, the rest fell into place.
I look out my kitchen window and see even more snow falling. It’s going to be a long winter season this year. I hear a car pull up. Theo’s latest rental looks practical this time. He has yet to get a car since he tends to just walk everywhere here. Last time he got a convertible and we drove up the coast. It was beautiful.