Page 83 of Empire of Light
I let him drop as I rushed past him. Let someone else take care of the stump of him.
His scream alerted the rest of the men that were guarding this entrance and six more guards came rushing at us in the narrow corridor.
Narrow stone walls and a low ceiling surrounded us, so swinging a sword was futile. I pulled one of Ada’s daggers I’d strapped to my calf and started slicing as I dodged bodies coming at me. I didn’t bother to slow and do any real damage. I imagined at this point Triaten and Aiden were itching to get their steel on some malefics they could cleave in half.
Have the fuck at it.
Me, all I could think about was Ada.
Getting to her as quickly as possible.
Getting to her before Cletus could damage her. Again.
Into a dark corridor and I kicked the door in front of me. Thick old bastard, it rattled on its hinges but didn’t break free. I backed up a step and charged at it again.
Hinges squealed as they tore off the frame, the door collapsing inward.
Rushing into the chamber, I took in everything at once.
Ada shackled to a fucking X cross.
Her head held up with a metal band wrapped around her skull that was attached to a metal bar behind her.
Eyes closed.
Blood around her nose down to her chin.
A bloody drill at her feet.
Cletus at the table in the middle of the room, his hands scrambling for a blade.
Not the quietest entrance I’d ever made.
Cletus had the power of speed—he was a blink-and-you’d-miss-the-blur type fast—but I’d also dealt with speeders my whole life.
At the table one second, and then he was gone.
Fucking weasel.
I saw a flash of silver spark in midair and I dropped, swinging my leg out on a wide circle.
Nothing, until the last moment and my leg hit a mass.
Cletus’s body slowed and went flying, ramming into the stone wall next to the door.
It stopped him for just long enough that I landed on top on him, my knees pinning down his arms. My right hand gripped his hair.
There it was.
The one spot on his body.
Just like Ada, he had one vulnerable spot. I saw it when I uncovered him from the rubble of the castle. One thin line of blood had been just inside his hairline that day.
I yanked his head back, driving the tip of Ada’s dragonfly blade straight down, praying to high heaven and low hell that this would work, for I needed to rid the earth of my brother.
The blade stopped.