Page 84 of Empire of Light
The skin hardening into a steel barrier.
Cletus started laughing manically.
I lifted the blade and slammed it down again.
His laughter stopped.
The blade sank through his skin—the only thin line where it could—and deflected once it hit his skull.
All I needed.
His scream started high pitched, turning into a wail as I sawed the blade under the skin, scalping him. Hard to do with this size dagger, but I didn’t stop until I could yank back enough of his scalp that I had access to his skull.
The red fury invaded my veins and lit up my muscles, and I embraced it when I usually tried to quell it.
Only a madman could destroy a madman.
The white of Cletus’s skull in front of me, I pounded the dagger down into the bone. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. The cap of his skull broke. I reached in and tore the bone free, the cracking sound only driving me deeper into the vicious state that had overtaken me. Digging the knife deep into brain matter, I sawed at it, my hand wrist deep in his skull, cutting the base of his brain stem free from his body. Cords and tendons snapped, and I ripped the fucking organ straight from his skull, whipping it across the room.
Cletus’s screams stopped.
They had probably stopped a while ago, but I only noticed it now.
A hand landed on my shoulder. “Fuck, Father. That is savage, even for you.” Leo’s voice.
A calm voice, pulling me back.
Exactly what I raised him to be.
Calm in the face of savagery.
I shoved myself off of my brother and stumbled to my feet, whipping around to Ada, running to her as I ripped off my shirt and wiped Cletus’s blood from my left hand, my arm.
Aiden was already on the left side of her, working to unlock the shackle holding her bloody right arm high.
I stopped in front of her, close, my body shielding her nakedness from the room.
Her eyes were still closed and I couldn’t tell if she was breathing.
My clean right hand went to her face, my thumb gently pulling her left eyelid upward to see her eye. To see if she was in there. Still in there somewhere.
No reaction.
The blood below her nose, smeared thick on her lips and trailing down her chin, terrorized the fuck out of me and my fingers moved down, wiping away the blood as quickly as I could, not wanting anyone to see what had happened to her. Not wanting anyone to wonder what Cletus had just done to her.
Hide it.
Hide it all.
She didn’t need their stares. Their curiosity.
A mass, thick and sticky, mixed in with her blood on my fingers. I didn’t look down at it.
Just snot. Not brain matter.
I wasn’t even going to consider that thought. Even though I knew that’s exactly what it was.
I wiped my hand off on my pants as Triaten unfurled a sheet next to me and shoved it behind her as her right arm was freed, then her head and left arm, and her body slumped toward me.