Page 21 of Sweet Revenge
Whatwas he doing here?Howwas he here?Dueto her security clearance,Allie’spersonal information wasn’t listed on any searchable websites.
Swallowingthe sudden lump in her throat and keeping her gaze on him, afraid he would disappear if she glanced away, she felt around the passenger seat and grabbed her purse, briefcase, and phone.Westdidn’t change position as she climbed out of the car, pushed the locked button, and shut the door.Despitehis sunglasses, she could tell he was tracking her every movement.Prayingshe wouldn’t trip over something and face-plant,Alliecrossed the parking lot and trudged up the walkway, trepidation in her every step.Hehadn’t moved a muscle in all that time, and she stopped a few feet away from him, unable to say a solitary word.
Almosta full minute ticked by before he crossed his arms and spoke. “Youshould have a talk with your neighbors about safety around here.”Hisfamiliar, deep, rumbling voice sent shivers down her spine. “Thelittle old lady in three-ten was all too happy to tell me which parking spot was yours and that you always used this entrance.”
“Wh-what are you—?” she sputtered. “H-how—?”Hermind couldn’t fill in the blanks.
“WhatamIdoing here, and how didIknow where you lived?”
AllAlliecould do was nod as she continued to gawk at him.
Westdropped his gaze to the ground and rubbed his index finger over his chin. “Well, your cousinSadiecame to visit me last week.NowIknow where you took the last nameMcKennafrom.Bythe way, she’s a force to be reckoned with.Anyway, she sat me down and explained everything that happened back in high school—everything you tried to explain that day, butIwas too pissed to listen to.Shealso told me how much you regretted sleeping with me under false pretenses that first night.”
Takingoff his sunglasses, he hung them from theVof his shirt, created by the undone top two buttons.Unexplainedremorse flashed in his blue eyes as he studied her. “Allondra?—”
“Allie, please,” she managed to croak out.Herlegs were shaking, but somehow, she was still standing. “No—no one calls meAllondraanymore except my mom and aunts and uncles.”
“Okay.Ihad no idea you were the target of the mean girls in high school,Allie.IfIhad,Iwould’ve put a stop to it.Ifinally remembered thatItold my friendRyanthatIwas going to ask you to the dance.”Heshrugged. “Iguess he told a few others, and it got around.IswearIdidn’t know people were sayingIwas only doing it to be cruel and thatIwould stand you up.Ireally,reallywanted to go with you.That’stheGod’shonest truth.”
Hottears rolled down her cheeks, and when the door besideWestopened from the inside, she turned her face away, not wanting one of her neighbors to see her crying.Sheswiped her eyes as footsteps headed toward the parking lot.
Onceshe was certain they were alone,AlliefacedWestagain. “Ibelieve you.Ijust wishIknew that back then.”Shesniffled, and her gaze darted around as she tried to find the courage to say her next words. “Istill owe you a huge apology.”
“Yeah.”Hebit his lip and nodded for a moment. “Yeah, you do.AndI’mwilling to listen to it this time.”
Oh, thankGod.Shestill didn’t understand why he was here and what would happen after she groveled and begged for forgiveness, but at least he would let her do that.Sheswallowed hard. “Th-thank you mind if we go upstairs to my condo?I’drather not talk out here where anyone can walk up and hear us.”
Takinga step to the side, he gestured to the door. “Afteryou.”
Afterbriefly fumbling around in her purse,Alliefound her keys with the fob needed to release the door lock.Whenit clicked,Westreached over and held the door open for her.Onceinside, he offered to carry her briefcase, and she numbly handed it over.Hefollowed her down the hallway to the elevator, and they silently rode up to the fifth floor.Momentslater, they were in her condo.
Asshe deposited her keys, phone, and purse on the kitchen counter,Westset her briefcase on one of the dining room chairs as he passed it before striding into the living room. “Nice.Yoursetup is similar to mine, but you have a much better view.”
Hisapartment overlooked busyBartlettAvenueinHolden, whileAllie’sunit had a gorgeous view of a large lake and park across the street from the building.
Shekicked off her pumps and removed a pair of sheerPedsand then the navy-blue suit jacket that went with her dress pants.Awhite sleeveless top and understated jewelry completed the outfit.
Tryingto give herself another few moments to gather her thoughts, she asked, “CanIget you something to drink?Water?Soda?Ihave someCoorsor wine too.”
“Abeer would be good, thanks.”
Alliewas grateful for his choice because she could use a little alcohol to calm her nerves.Grabbingtwo cold bottles from the fridge, she popped the tops off, took a deep breath, then carried them into the living room, handing him one.Afterthey both took several gulps, she gestured for him to sit on the couch.Wantingto keep some distance between them, she sat at the other end, tucking one foot underneath her.Beingany closer to him would mess with her concentration.Hewouldn’t be there if she didn’t have a chance to set things right, and she doubted she would get another one if she screwed it up.
Shesighed heavily and picked at the beer label with her fingernail. “Pleaselet me talk without interrupting.Otherwise,I’llnever get through it.Ididn’t thinkI’dsee you again—to have a chance to apologize—but that didn’t stop me from practicing in my head whatIwould say to you over these past four weeks.”
Whenhe nodded and indicated with a flash of his hand for her to continue, she licked her lips. “I’msorry,West, so very sorry.Iknow that doesn’t mean much right now, but . . .”Droppingher gaze to the couch, she found it easier to talk when she couldn’t see him. “I’msureSadieexplained what she could, but you should hear it all from me.Iliked you a lot back in high school.Imean,Iwas totally crushing on you, butInever thoughtI’dbe someone you were attracted to.Youwere the hottest guy in school, popular, sweet, and funny.Youdidn’t horse around like the others did whenItried to tutor them.Instead,Iknew you were really listening to me.Iwas thrilled whenIthought you were passingChemistrybecause of me.Itwas a boost to my fragile ego back then.ButIwas the shy, geeky girl with braces, glasses, and too many curves in all the wrong places.Icouldn’t imagine you liking me beyond maybe a friend.
“WhenIoverheard those girls joking about how you were going to ask me to the dance and then stand me up,Ibelieved them.Iwas hiding in one of the restroom stalls, so they didn’t knowIwas there, and when they left,Istayed and cried through the next period.”Hereyes welled up at the memory, and she snatched a tissue from a box on the long table behind the couch.Theywere always handy for when she watched a tearjerker onNetflix.
Afterwiping her eyes, she forged ahead. “Iwas so insecure back then, and the thought of you, my crush, doing that to me was so painful.Idon’t know howImanaged not to bawl in front of you and everyone else when you asked me to the dance, but somehow,Idid.Andthen, like you said,Iran away.Iwas so depressed that summer between you and moving toDenver.ButthenImade friends here, grew up some more, and blossomed in college.Inever forgot how angryIwas at you, though.Ihurt for twenty years over that experience and had no idea it might have ended differently ifIhadn’t heard those girls and said yes to you.”
Shetook a few swigs from her beer and noticed it was nearly empty.Shewas shocked whenWeststood, took the bottle from her, strode into the kitchen, and retrieved two more.Apparently, he’d finished his too.Whenhe returned, he handed her one of the bottles and retook his seat, remaining silent.
Allieinhaled and blew out a fast breath.Thisnext part would be more difficult to get through. “WhenIsaw you that first night at the pub, all that anger and hurt came rushing to the forefront of my mind again.Tome, you were the cause of all my mental anguish back then.It’snot fair to pin it on you, especially with whatIknow now, but that’s what being a teenager does to you.You’reso impressionable at that age and not mature enough to think things through.
“Iswear,I’venever done anything likeIdid to you in my life, but something evil took over my mind that night.Atfirst,Iwanted to get the hell out of there.ThenIwanted to scream and yell at you.ButwhenIrealized you didn’t recognize me at all,Isaw a chance to get revenge for whatIthought you’d done to me.Itwas wrong.Iknew it that night, and by the next morning,Iregretted everything.Nomatter what, you didn’t deserve to be used like that.Iwas never a cocktease or a slut, or someone who actually exacted revenge on anyone else.Yeah,I’dthought about it before, in general.Everyonewishes karma would get those who earned it, butInever dished it out.
“Iwas miserable whenIleft your apartment in the middle of the night.You’dbeen so nice and interesting, andIhad sex with you out of spite.Itwas so unlike me, andIhated myself for doing it.Ibarely slept for days until we ran into each other at theHomeDepot.Ithought fate was fucking with me.Imean, what are the chances we’d both be in the paint department at the same time that early on aFridaymorning?”