Page 22 of Sweet Revenge

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Page 22 of Sweet Revenge

Sheclosed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to get her emotions under control.Herchin quivered, and more tears fell, but she forced herself to finish what she’d started.

“Themore we saw each other, the more my hurt and humiliation were pushed away while other feelings replaced them.Istarted falling for you the night we went to your friends’ restaurant.Isaw you as someone completely different and not the boy who tried to embarrass me in front of our entire school, which you obviously didn’t do.Youwere the guyIalways wanted to fall in love with—sweet, funny, intelligent, caring, and much more.AndIdid fall in love with you, but it was too late to confess whoIreally was.Iwas selfish, though, and wanted to save as many new memories of you as possible to comfort myself whenIcame home and was lonely again.Toerase whatIthought you’d done to me.”

Shewiped her wet cheeks again and finally met his gaze.Shecouldn’t tell what he was thinking because of the blank expression on his face, and her gut twisted. “I’msorry,West.Idon’t deserve your forgiveness—hell,Idon’t deserve to be in the same room with you—butI’masking you to please forgive me, even if you never want to see me again.”

Silencefilled the room for several moments before he asked, “Isthat it?”

Alliereeled back as if he’d slapped her.Hiseyes widened in alarm, and he grabbed her free hand. “No, no, no, no, no!That’snot whatImeant!I’msorry,Allie.Youasked me to wait until you were done talking, andI’vebeen over here, biting my tongue to keep from interrupting you.Ijust wanted to know ifIcould speak now.”

Hershoulders sagged, and she nodded. “Yes, you can.”

Hescooted closer to her. “Firstof all, those glasses and curves you thought were in the wrong places were part of my attraction back then.Yeah, the braces might’ve been an issue—no guy wants to imagine metal in a girl’s mouth when he’s dreaming of her giving him a blowjob.Butthose weren’t permanent.Everythingelse you had going on was pretty hot.Itold you intelligence has always been a huge draw for me—every time you answered a question correctly in class,Iwas in awe.

“ButIcan’t imagine what you were going through in high school when you thoughtIwas about to play a vile joke on you.AndI’lladmitIwas pissed and hurt whenIrealized who you were a few weeks ago—there’s no denying that.Butas the days passed, my anger faded, but the pain grew stronger.Ifinally realizedIwas hurting so much becauseI’dfallen in love with you too.Itried to tell myself that you weren’t worth the tortureIwas going through, but that was a lie.RememberwhenIsaid it’s true love when you never heal when the other person dies or moves on without you?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Ialways thought true insta-love happened to other people or in books and movies.Inever thought it would happen to me.ButIwas right—my heart wouldn’t heal after you were gone.You’vebeen on my mind sinceIleft your aunt’s house.Iknew you would always be the one who got away ifIdidn’t do something.Iwent through a broad range of emotions over the past four weeks, finally identifying it and putting a name to all of it.Grief.Iwas going through the seven stages of grief.Thefinal one is acceptance and hope, and that’s whyI’mhere,Allie.Iforgive you.Ilove you.Idon’t want to live without you.AndIhope you feel the same.”

Herteardrops became two rivers running down her face.Shelunged forward and threw her arms around him, sobbing into his neck.Hisbeard abraded her temple.Shewasn’t worthy of him or his forgiveness, but there he was, saying he loved and wanted her in his life.

Hishands gently gripped both sides of her head and lifted.Theirgazes met, and she saw the truth in his.Hewasn’t fucking with her and getting his own retribution for what she’d done to him.Therewas desire, love, and her future in his eyes.


Leaningdown,Westpressed his mouth to hers.Whenher lips parted for him, his fingers threaded into her hair and gripped the strands, holding her in place.Hepulled back only an inch or two, his gaze scanning her face.Everythinghe experienced, he saw reflected back to him.Love, desire, want, and need.

Hishand tightened in her hair as he slammed his mouth down on hers and tried not to lose his barely-there control.Hedidn’t want sex tonight—he wanted to make love to her.Thiswas the woman who’d been made for him.Ifhe had his way, she’d be moving back toHolden, or he’d be picking up his roots and laying them down again inDenver.Eitherway, his future was withAllie—it was carved into his heart.

Pullingon her hair, he exposed and feasted on her neck—nibbling, sucking, and licking every inch he could reach.Shemoaned as she pulled her shirt out of her waistband.Unableto wait for her to remove it, he pushed the hem up, exposing a nude-colored bra.Heyanked down one of the cups and played with the distended rosy peak he found.Alliecried out and struggled to remove her clothes.

Itseemed like eons since she’d been in his arms, but she was as responsive as ever.Hewould never get enough of this woman.Fiftyyears from now, he would still want her—need her.

“W-West...b-bed...more room.”

Whilehe hated to stop if only for a brief moment, a big mattress where they could spread out sounded inviting.Gettingto his feet, he helped her stand, then followed her as she led him into the bedroom.Theypeeled off their clothes, their hungry gazes never leaving the other’s body.

Oncenaked,Alliecrawled onto the bed and beckonedWestto join her.Therewas no way in hell he would turn her down, but he needed a moment to ward off his impending orgasm for a little bit longer.

Hisheart pounded in his chest and resonated in his ears as he stared down at her with his hand wrapped around his rock-hard shaft.Helicked his lips in anticipation. “You’rebeautiful, baby.Sodamn beautiful.”Hisvoice was gruff and filled with lust.Maybemaking slow love would have to wait for the second time.Heneeded to be inside her soon, fucking her like a madman, but he had to prepare her first.

Anadorable blush spread across her chest and face, revving his engine even more.He’donly had one beer and a few sips of the second one, but he was drunk on her once more—Alliewas more intoxicating than any woman he’d ever known.

Climbingonto the bed next to her, he stopped beside her legs and leaned down to nip one hipbone and then the other before his gaze found her face again.Pushingagainst her inner thighs,Westspread her wide.Herpussy glistened, and her folds were nicely swollen.Heran the back of his forefinger over them, causing her to squirm.


“Mmm.I’llnever tire of you begging for my cock.”Bendingdown, he rasped his tongue up her slit, reveling in her taste.Shebucked her pelvis and pleaded for him to do it again.

Hedraped his arm over her hips, trapping and holding them in place as he gave her sweet, bare pussy his full attention.Hiscock throbbed against the mattress.Tuckinghis hands under her ass cheeks, he squeezed them before lifting her to give himself better access.Hestiffened his tongue and tunneled inside her, making her gasp and grab a handful of his hair. “Oh!West!More!Oh, please!”

Aftereating her out for a few minutes, he moved upward and found her exposed clit.Heteased the little pearl, flicking his tongue over it before sucking on it hard.Hereleased her ass so he could use his fingers to fuck her until she came for him.Heeased one and then two of them into her drenched core.Herhips undulated as he drove her higher and higher.Hermoans became louder.West’scock threatened to explode from the sounds ofAlliechasing her orgasm.Shewas killing him.

Hecurled his fingers and found herG-spot, rubbing it as he lapped at her clit.Knowinghe wouldn’t last long once he was inside her, he wanted her to fly for him.Reachingup with his other hand, he tweaked her nipple.Sheclutched the bedspread with both hands, twisting it as a wail of pleasure erupted from her lungs.

Thewalls of her cunt quivered, then clenched around his fingers, almost crushing them.Shebucked her hips, and her legs shook as the climax claimed her.Usinghis hands and mouth,Westdrew out her release as long as possible until it ebbed.

Whileshe gulped for air,Allie’ssated, flushed body sagged against the mattress.Westremoved his fingers and deliberately licked them slowly, one by one.Throughheavy eyelids, she watched him as a sexy smile spread across her face. “Yourtongue is very talented.”

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