Page 48 of Tempted Angel
He takes a breath, and with it, his expression clears to neutral. “I’ve heard you have a problem regulating your thoughts from speech, so I won’t hold that against you, Ms. Collins.”
I nod. How kind of him.
Except that wasn’t my brain. That was all me.
“Very considerate, Professor Karloff. Though, I feel I must point out, as directed by the student code of conduct, that I was speaking of my own free will. It pays to be honest, and all, right?”
Again, Karloff stares into me.
Stevie, meanwhile, is shaking her head behind him, staring at me like I’ve lost my mind.
And maybe I have.
Maybe this is a majorly stupid move.
Maybe it’s the demon power seeping into my skin through the ring.
Maybe it’s my brain always saying stupid, rude, and occasionally true shit that’s desensitized me to the opinions of others.
But living with Malachi turned me into a bully detector, and I have no tolerance for it anymore.
“So, as I said, you may want to rethink your teaching style if you want to get the best from your students. Since that’s whatBlackwood U is all about, right? Teaching. Not flexing the small bit of power you have over us.”
Karloff’s face goes pale, and everyone in the dead silent room gasps.
Through gritted teeth, the professor says one word. “Out.”
“No, thank you. I’m here to learn. It’s your job to do that as efficiently as possible.”
It’s not fair, I know. Karloff is a dick, but he likely doesn’t deserve every shred of the latent hostility I have toward my father. Still, though, I can’t say it doesn’t feel nice.
“Please, go on. I’m excited to learn, Professor Karloff.”
The man’s hands tremble as he clenches his fists. A vein in his neck pulses, and I’m certain if there are any vampires in the class, Karloff would look extra tasty right now.
And that gets me wondering. What exactly is he?
My other instructors had all been witches or mages. But this guy?
He doesn’t smell like anything I recognize. In fact, I’m not getting much of a scent from him at all, even now in his current heightened emotional state.
“How dare you speak to me with such?—”
I stand up, tired of small men taking out their insecurities on people they feel are lower status than them. “How dare you treat students like we’re a burden? Like we’re less than you? I’ve been here all of five minutes, and I’ve already sized you up for the bully you are. Get it together, Karloff, or your days here are numbered.”
And with that, I take my bag and tablet and walk out of his class.
I won’t push it further by sitting there. I’ll let him stew in his inadequacies in front of the rest of the students.
My body hums, my fingers tingle with adrenaline.
But this feels different from any adrenal response I’ve had before. This isn’t my body telling me to flee, that I’m unsafe in my father’s house.
This is invigorating, motivating. I feel like I could take on the world. Like I could march up to Axe right now and demand answers about Gael’s location, without fear of repercussion. Without fearing he’d send word to hurt Gael worse.
And I’m not at all sure how I feel about that.
I yank out my tablet and message Axe.