Page 49 of Tempted Angel
Dove Collins
Where are you?”
Troyan Axwell
In class. Why? Is there something I can do for you, angelcakes?
Dove Collins
Get out of class and meet me in the library, ASAP.
Troyan Axwell
Can’t. Taking a test, but I’m very intrigued to know what this is all about.
Dove Collins
Just get here.
I head to the library. It’s likely I’ll have the place to myself with everyone else in their first class of the day. I don’t have a plan for Karloff. For what I’ll do next week when I have to go to hisclass again. But I know exactly what I’m doing when I get to the library.
As I predicted, the library is entirely empty, devoid of even faculty at the circulation desk. Fine by me. I need privacy for what I’m about to do.
An extra free period means more free time to get the information I need.
After spending the whole night on the internet and coming up a whole lot of nothing, my only move is to go right to the source.
I can’t get into the school’s social site without signing in, and I can’t risk signing in and leaving even more of a trail of my presence. So, I’m doing the next best thing.
I tap the little square icon with a smiling face on it and the sign-in page opens.
A little voice in my head asks if I really want to do this.
I don’t answer it. I just type in the name.
A prompt pops up, asking for the password.
Something I’ve been thinking over since the day I arrived and Olivia made it clear we would not be friends. My first instinct is to go with a variation of her own name. In my notes app, I type out a list of her first and last name with a combination of number substituted letters.