Page 20 of Come Fly With Me
Riley: Why?
Me: Because he's confusing me.
Riley: ???
Me: He’s being all sweet, and charming, and he remembers things about me that he has no right remembering, and the way he’s touching me. It’s messing with my head.
Next thing I know my phone is ringing.
“What?” I say, when I answer, sniffling and wiping tears from my eyes.
“What’s the matter, babe? Talk to me.”
“I don’t know, Riley. I keep thinking that maybe he actually cares for me, but then I remind myself that if he did he never would have broken up with me in the first place. I’m hurt and angry, but I’m finding myself falling for him all over again. I don’t think...”
“You never stopped loving him,” she says. I sniffle and nod even though she can’t see me. “I know. It was just easier to be angry all this time. Anger is less complicated.”
“What do I do, Riles?” I ask, sobbing again. “I can’t get my heart broken again. Not over him.”
Riley sighs. “Sweetheart, have you tried talking to him? I mean really talking to him? Sitting down and figuring out what actually happened all those years ago? Because I don't know, I just think it might help. You guys had something really good and I know you care for him still. You don’t know how he feels about you until you ask. Even if you don’t end up being best friends you could at least have some closure.”
“Can I ask you something?” I say, sniffling again and wiping tears from my eyes.
“Of course,” she says.
“Have you been talking with him during this trip, too?”
I can practically hear the grin in her voice.“A lady never tells.”
“Ugh, you are the worst friend ever,” I say, but I laugh a little.
“Worst, best, such a thin line.”
“Goodnight, Riles. I love you.”
“Love you, too, sweetie. Sweet dreams.”
I hang up, feeling a little bit better, and snuggle under the blankets. It’s not long before I doze off.
When I crawl into bed that night Wesley is sound asleep. He looks peaceful, and I’m grateful given how upset he’d seemed earlier. I have no idea what happened or what I might have done to make him so upset but I’d have given anything to make his tears stop, to make his hurt go away. Even now I want nothing more than to take him into my arms and hold him close. But Wesley doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want me anywhere near him unless it’s part of our “act.” But it isn’t an act for me. It never has been. And my feelings for him have only deepened. I want to protect him, to keep him safe, to hold him and kiss him, and love him. I always have.
I’m heading towards my locker after gym class when I see Wesley across the hall near his own locker. He’s honestly a little hard to spot given his height. We’re the same age, but I had a growth spurt over the summer and he didn’t, so I’m a goodfour inches taller than him, as are most of the guys in school to be honest. Which unfortunately means that he gets picked on a lot. Case in point, the douchebags surrounding him right now for no other reason than to torment him. They’re pulling on his clothes and his hair and grabbing things out of his backpack, tossing them to the floor. My face heats as I march over to them. No one treats my best friend that way. Even if Wes was a dick I wouldn’t tolerate it, but he’s not. He’s literally the sweetest guy on the planet, so these assholes can just bug off. I’m not a violent person but if they hurt him I won’t hesitate to respond in kind.
“Hey,” I say loudly, as I approach them, and they turn to look at me. They grin, because there’s three of them and one of me. I’m decent sized but I can’t take on all three of them and they know that. So do I, logically, but it doesn’t stop me. “Leave him alone, assholes,” I snarl, and Wes’ eyes widen.
“Coop, it’s okay,” he says. “I’m fine.” He bends down to pick up his things but I grab his arm.
“No, it’s not okay,” I say. “And you’re not gonna do that, Wes, they are. Stand up.”
Wes’ eyes widen even further, but he lets me pull him to his feet, and the three stooges stand there with dumbstruck looks on their faces.
“Go on,” I say, motioning to the mess with my head.“Pick it up.”