Page 21 of Come Fly With Me
“No,” the biggest guy, Aaron, says. “Make me.”
I step closer to him, glowering, and growl. “Touch my friend again, and I will end you. Now pick up his stuff and hand it to him, nicely, or you will regret it. I am not afraid of you, or of getting suspended. So don’t test me, Anderson.”
Wes’ eyes are the size of saucers now, and I’m really hoping my threat is taken seriously because I do not want to have to punch this guy, but I will. My mom would kill me and I’dprobably get kicked off the football team. But for Wes, it would be worth it. I do know Anderson’s family, though and they would not be cool with him getting suspended. His parents would have a fit, so him getting involved in a fight would not go well, and I’m kind of banking on that.
Aaron glowers at me, but then he bends over and grabs the things that he and his lackeys took out of Wes’ backpack and shoves them into Wes’ chest with a mock smile, almost knocking Wesley off his feet. Of course he has to get in one last jab.
“There you go, shrimp,” he says. “Next time, don’t let your boyfriend fight your battles for you.”
I sneer at him and notice out of the corner of my eye that Wesley is blushing at this idiot's boyfriend comment. We aren’t dating yet, but god I want to be soon. I just have to summon up the courage to let him know how I feel. “There won’t be a next time,” I say. “Will there?”
He narrows his eyes at me but then motions to his friends and they stalk off.
Wesley lets out a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair. “Shit,” he says. “You didn’t have to do that, Coop.”
I look at him, my eyebrows furrowed. “What the hell? Of course I did,” I say. “I’m not gonna let anyone treat you like that. You’re my best friend.”
He gives me a sheepish smile. “Thanks,” he says. “But please don’t get suspended. Especially not for me.”
“You are the best reason to get suspended.” I give him a smile and drape my arm over his shoulders, “shrimp,” I add with a grin, as we walk to our next class together.
He elbows me in the ribs playfully, and I swear I’ll do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to keep this guy protected.
Cooper’s not in bed when I wake up. I’m grateful they let me sleep in because I needed it. I pick up my phone on the nightstand and see that it’s 10am already, and that I have a text message from Riley.
Riley: Morning handsome. Hope you slept well. Have a beautiful to him.
I groan and rub my hand over my face. As much as I want to do that it sounds equally terrifying and exhausting. Besides, I’m not sure it would do any good. And what if it just makes me feel worse? I’m not even sure what I’d say.
I sigh, pulling the covers back and climbing out of bed. I head out to the kitchen and grab myself a cup of coffee. Derick and Macy are sitting on the sofa looking at their phones. I don’t see Cooper.
“Finally,” Macy says, looking up and setting her phone aside on the couch. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” She beams at me and holds up her hands, wiggling her fingers. “Wanna do your nails?”
I grin. “Um, yes.”
She makes her way down the hall and comes back with a case full of different colored nail polishes and places it on the coffee table. “Come on,” she says, patting the floor next to her where she sits with her legs out in front of her.
“Let me finish my coffee and I’ll join you,” I say with a smile. She starts picking up different bottles to find the color she wants.
The sound of a door clicking shut behind me grabs my attention and I turn to see Cooper coming down the hall. He’sdressed in jeans and a navy T-shirt that clings to his muscular frame, and he has an additional piercing in his right ear today. God, is it hot in here?
“Hey,” he says, trying for a smile, but I can see it’s forced. Then I realize he was shutting the door to his mom’s room.
“Is she okay?” I ask.
He shrugs. “She’s in pain, and extra tired. Not much we can do. She’s got her meds. She’s gonna be resting for a while, I think.” He pauses for a second, shoving his hands in his pockets, then asks, “You okay?”
I blink.
“Last night,” he says, lowering his voice.
“Oh,” I say, my cheeks heating. “Yeah, no, I’m fine. It was just a long day, I guess.” I take another sip of my coffee. It’s almost gone.
He nods, and my gaze moves back to Macy and the nail polish.
“You gonna do your nails?” he asks, and he’s smiling.