Page 22 of Syndicate Mayhem
Scrambling up, I went to the box. Maybe it had some other key or clue to where the safe was. I stuck my hand in, at least I meant to, but was met with a steel-like resistance. The mailbox began to shimmer before my eyes until it magically turned from one of the hotel key mailboxes into a black metal safe.
“I found it! The safe! It's here!” I pointed, turned to see Falcon already right next to me, hand on his chin as he examined it and nodded.
“Hells fucking yeah! I can almost taste the fresh air instead of this dust-caked hell hole!” Avery clapped as he did a little dance, too excited at the chance for freedom to care about how he looked.
“I mean . . . Cosmo found the clue.” Lex said under his breath as he threw his head over at Cosmo, who was standing in his regular crossed arm pose, not acknowledging anything that either of us said.
With my claws at the ready, I turned, seconds from lunging at the smokey demon when I felt a hand grip my shoulder. A cool voice sounded next to me. “You did good, Ax. Now, let's find that damn key and get out of here before we all kill each other.”
“Yeah, I think we’re all tapped out on “team bonding” time,” Avery joked, whispering more to himself than anyone, “but it wasn't the worst time I've ever had.”
“All I'm hearing here is how much you all are in love with me. My rose is going to be so proud, but I need to put my foot down now before you all get any weird ideas. I’m hers and that's that.” His arms came up to make an X in front of his body as he glared at each of us.
Falcon opened his mouth, his eyes blazing with that steel blue anger when he shook his head, rolled his shoulders, and turned away from him. “Don’t fight with crazy, Falcon. It's a losing battle.”
“Yeah, we might as well let his psycho ass be.” Avery chuckled before looking at Lex and blowing him a kiss, to which Lex dodged and stuck out his tongue. Yep. This group was all a little insane.
“The probability of the safe numbers being associated with these mailboxes is high.” Falcon moved in front of the boxes, his eyes quickly moving from side-to-side.
“Are there any duplicates?” Avery flew over to his side.
Lex couldn't be left out as he shadowed over to Falcon’s other side. “How many boxes are there?”
Falcon snapped, “You have eyes, count!”
Lex's hands went up as he whined out, “Damn! I was just asking, magic man. I thought you already figured that out by now.”
Falcon huffed, immediately responding, “40.”
“See! I knew you knew!”
I shook my head, smirking to myself, silently wishing Falcon luck with those two.
Cosmo was currently walking around trying to see if he could find anything else. I thought about the items in my section. The safe was in the mailbox, the clue for the safe was under the antique phone, and I demolished the desk. The only thing left was the check-in book.
I saw it splayed out on the floor and sat down before I picked it up. This was the first thing I picked up and looked through, but thinking about it now, I just skimmed the pages looking for something obvious. Seeing how hard these clues are, I felt like I needed to go through it again. Look for any small clue.
Flipping through the first set of pages, reading each name this time. I tuned out the trio that was currently fighting, my wolf settling down, huffing in their direction with annoyance. That was until Lex made a face at the back of Falcon’s head and I felta burst of humor fill my head space. Even my damn wolf was getting used to these guys. Ugh.
I rubbed my eyes after the fifth page, and by the ninth, my lids were slowly getting heavier. That was until I saw the name Ternin Smith on line number ninety-three.
Rayla's father’s name was unique, no one I knew had that name or even something close to it. A little tingle began in the back of my head, gnawing on my brain as I felt like I was missing something.
I flipped a few pages to the front, scanned them quickly, and on the third page, line thirty-one had the name Ray Smith. Could this be a clue?
It took four numbers to open it, and if you put thirty-one and ninety-three you get 3, 1, 9, 3.Could this really be it? Could I have cracked it?
Keeping my eyes on the page, I barked out, “Hey! Try 3, 1, 9, 3.”
The whole room fell quiet, four sets of eyes turned toward me in silent shock. Slowly raising my head, I glared at them. Desperately trying to keep my own hesitation and doubts at bay, I straightened up, calling out with confidence, “Well, go on. Try it.” Falcon was the first to move, moving toward the safe as the others, for once, stayed completely still.
You could feel the heaviness in the air as the silence was deafening. Frantic hopes and silent prayers filled the room as the only sound was the beeps that the safe made when heentered each number. I felt my pulse beat hard against the skin at my neck, all of us glued to the situation at hand.
As soon as the click of the safe opening echoed in the room, my lips turned up. Whoops and hollering sounded, and I couldn't help the giddy feeling that fluttered inside of my chest. I fucking did it. I found out the fucking clue. Sure, Cosmo might’ve helped, maybe even having Falcon here backing me up gave me the confidence, or just having the two jabbering idiots in the background helped me focus, but this last part was all me.
Before I knew what was happening, a flash of pink shot at me, tackling me to the floor. “Fuck yeah! You did it, man! The last key! I could fucking kiss you right now!”
His face was just close enough that he could make that happen, and that made a shiver run down my spine. I shoved him off quickly. “Don’t you fucking dare!” He sat down in front of me, a smile so wide it looked like it hurt, but the appreciation in his eyes was evident and made me stop before I could smash his soft-featured face in.