Page 23 of Syndicate Mayhem
A dark shadow eclipsed us. “You sure did do it. I didn't think it would happen, but it did. Way to go, wolfy!” I lifted an eyebrow at Lex, trying to decide if it was worth fighting him over when Falcon shoved him out of the way. He lifted a small brass key, motioning for me to take it.
“You did good, Ax. Now take this key so we can get out of here.” He dropped the key in my open palm before jetting over to the large door we all came in from. All of us followed him like moths to a flame, ready to get out of here.
He examined the door again before exhaling. “I don’t want to take any risks, so we need to turn them all at the same time.”
We all nodded seriously, agreeing with Falcon’s assessment. We worked as a solid unit sliding into our positions. I heard my wolf whisper to me,Pack. Our Pack.I wanted to fight that, wanted to tell him he was wrong, but when I looked around, I had to admit that we were starting to look like one, feel like one. Not just separate beings connected only to Rayla.
I used to think Falcon was just a pompous know-it-all, thinking he was right about everything, and I wanted to prove him wrong, but in here, I learned that he wasn't really pompous. It was more that he was sure of his answers. He only talked and said things when he was most of the way sure it was correct. Seeing it all play out in real time, I grew to have a newer level of respect for him. All of them, really.
Avery, while being a chatterbox and the one who always joked at your expense, was also the one who rallied us. The one who lightened up the space when it was heavy. He may joke a lot, but it was really a means of an outlet for him. He was honestly the only one who could constantly get along with each of us on his own, unless he was cranky, then you had to stay away.
Cosmo has always been the asshole who had to put it in our faces that he knew Rayla better than us. It used to really infuriate me, causing me to feel less than in my relationship with her. In here, I realized he was just trying to find his place in all of this. While all of us were able to start a relationship with her without any baggage, he had to go through layers and layers of history to get to the spot he’s in now. Then top it all off with trying to deal with all of us, her other mates, as bosses, while he’s been trained to beher second all his life. That was not something easy to navigate, but he has done well.
And fucking Lex.
He was the one I had the hardest time with. It wasn't because of history or smarts or charisma, no. I hated the way he came into the Syndicate. I felt like he was accepted without any real trials or tribulations to get here. I felt like he was being handed something that he didn't earn, but I learned I was wrong.
While we all admitted life was not a piece of pie growing up the way we did with the fathers we had and the organization we were a part of, we were always cared for. When our fathers couldn't do it, people within the Syndicate stepped up until they came back around. Even with all of the hardship, our fathers were here now, able to guide us if we had questions or if something was bothering us. While Lex was a crazy son of a bitch, he had nothing. He had no one but Rayla all his life, and most of that was just spying on her and dreaming. He had nothing tangible to hold onto.
So, while his crazy ass bugged the shit out of me, I felt myself ease up on him a bit. Getting a glimpse into the horrors that was his life was enough for me to say that he had more than earned his spot by putting up with that asshole Vincent.
I slid my key in the hole and held on as Falcon said, “On the count of three.” We were finally going to get out of here, finally get to give that mate of ours a piece of our mind. Locking us in here like a bunch of children. I knew the arguing was annoying to her, but, come on, did she really feel like she needed to do thisto us?! She was going to pay. This time taking a punishment all her own. Licking my lips in anticipation, I thought, she better be ready.
“One. Two. Three.”
As soon as three hit, we all turned our keys and stepped away from the door. For a second, nothing happened, and my heart sank. At least, that was until loud metal against metal noises sounded from the door. The noise sounded like things were unlocking.
The tension in the room was palpable, all of us exhausted, frustrated, and ready to get out of this place more than anything.
“I swear, when I see Rayla, I’m going to be so pissed,” I grumbled.
“We’re definitely going to give her a piece of our minds. We’re bosses too. She should have talked to us about it all if it really bothered her.” Avery’s brows pinched as he nodded, just as ready as me to tell her what's what.
Falcon and Cosmo simply stood there glaring at the door, both nodding in our solidarity.
“While I can't really be mad at my rose, I most definitely will be behind you nodding and pointing. Like, serious pointing. The kind where she knows it's not a joke.” I rolled my eyes at Lex. I shouldn't expect more, but I’ll take his weak ass having our back on this. At least it was something.
The door swung open, and we all fled out of there as fast as possible. The space we stepped out into was pitch black, leaving me feeling like something was off. I released my claws just in case this was another test and we had to beat a horde of creatures. I wouldn't put it past Rayla to do something like that. She did have a strong Desmond streak in her.
The lights switched on, and you could hear a collective gasp. Right in the middle of the room was a large, blood-red bed with our mate standing in front of it naked.
“What took you guys so long?” She turned her lip down as she pouted. “I have been waiting for you all forages.”
Not a single one of us moved, all of us feasting on every inch of her naked, creamy, pale skin. My mouth salivated as my dick hit half mast from simply looking at my beautiful mate in all her glory.
Not missing a beat, she called out, “To the winners go the spoils . . . .” She lifted one hand, placing a finger on her lips before she trailed that hand down her voluptuous body, teasing us with what was right in front of us. She lifted the black fabric slowly. “Now, your prize for working so hard is that you get a free pass. Anything goes.” She clicked something in her hand before throwing it on the bed. Spot lights lit up the walls behind her, walls lined with every sex toy, paddle, whip, or chain imaginable.
She secured the fabric over her eyes while we all stared at what was behind her. “Come here, my mates, and take what's yours.”
Unsurprisingly, Cosmo was the one who beat us, flashing over there in a second as he yanked her head back and slammed his fangs into her neck. She yelped in surprise but quickly moaned out her praise.
“Oh, yes, Comso. Take out all that frustration out on me. Don't make it nice and sweet. Make it raw and messy.”
He growled in response, sounding like an animal as he tore into her so bad that a dark crimson line fell down her neck, carving its way through the valley of her pale breasts. The scene caused me to step forward.
I parted her milky thighs, sticking my fingers roughly in her, playing with her wetness that had already covered my fingers. I whispered against her neck, “Fuck, mate, you’re already so drenched down here. Was it hard to wait for us so long? Did it feel like torture?”
Her breathing increased, huffing out a reply. “Yes . . . so long.”