Page 3 of Syndicate Mayhem
“Here you go, darling.”The cup of bloody cocoa Lisa just made for me clinked onto the counter in front of me as my phone buzzed.
“Thanks, Lisa. You’re the best!” I picked up my phone as I took my first sip of that sweet, coppery taste that hit the spot in the early evenings. I looked down and saw Falcon had sent a text though the group chat.
Falcon:New Problem. War room in 30 mins. All in attendance.
I smiled at his short but to the point text. I had so many questions, but I already knew that he wouldn't answer themuntil we were all in the war room. It was both adorable and annoying.
Nodding to Lisa as I climbed off the stool, “Duty calls. I’ll be in the war room if anyone is looking for me.”
Lisa smiled wide as she was at the stove stirring something in a large pot. “I’ll have a coffee tray sent up. I know the boys will need it if you’re starting your night in the war room.”
I made a yuck face as I kicked the swinging door open. “I'm sure they’ll appreciate it.” I’ll never understand why anyone would want that bitter tasting tar in their mouth when you could have the sweet high that cocoa gives you, but the boys loved the stuff.
Zooming up the stairs, I was the first one in the war room, which meant that I got to pick my seat first. I made a beeline for the head seat and hunkered down to wait for the others. Rick ended up finding me and gave me the projections for our fourth quarter earnings for the casino side of the business.
After the dust settled and the Devil’s clan was reestablished and running smoothly, all our dad’s decided to back off and let us start running the ship, telling people that they had retired and are living a life of torturing Vincent and hanging out with their friends. They also occasionally butt into our lives and rain down havoc, but it was nice to see my dad loosen up a little. To have his friends around and not be so lonely while I spend all my time with my mates.
While the guys and I took over the Desmond compound, the dads each took over one of the villas, officially taking residence.It was the only compromise that mine and Avery’s dad would agree to, with the two others not caring enough to argue. They wanted to stay close, but knew they needed to give us space. Apparently walking distance was the farthest they wanted to go. So Manic and Easton would convince the others to take small trips, making appearances at some of the other Syndicate hubs in America. Reminding the fringes why they needed to stay in line.
Syris and my dad started to enjoy this so much they decided to take a trip to Europe, visit some of their old stomping grounds. When I said they “decided”, I meant that my dad and Syris badgered Manic and Easton incessantly, day and night, into going. Which was why they were all currently on a plane to England, giving me and the boys a good long breather.
I took another sip of my cocoa and smiled at the sugary warmth that filled my throat when the door flew open, and my pink-haired fairy mate stomped across the room. His hair was flying every which way, and his normally impeccable suit was all wrinkled as he flopped into the seat next to me. Scooting closer to me, he sighed, laying his head on the papers in front of me and whined, “It's so hard to be away from you. I hate it. I hate going back to New York, and I used to love that city.”
I laughed, not even trying to tug the papers out from under him because I had learned that was not the way Avery worked. He wanted attention, lots of it, and until he got it, I would not be able to get any work done. It reminded me of someone else I knew, but if I mentioned that, he would be in a sour mood all day, so I kept my mouth shut.
Bending down, I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, “I missed you, too.” Running my fingers through his lustrous pink hair, he sighed in relief.
While we’ve only been technically together for six months, I felt like we’ve all been getting used to the routine and changes of our daily lives.
Right now, Ax was most likely finishing up his morning workout. Cosmo was making the compound security rounds and asking for the daytime reports. Lex just flew in early this morning from a job and was taking his normal power nap, because that man apparently doesn't sleep all night unless he’s next to me. Avery just landed from his monthly trip to New York, trying to set things up so that it can run smoothly without him.
Falcon did the same thing in Dallas, but since it was all more of a secret lab and warehouse kind of thing, it took only one trip to make the necessary changes and to move the things he wanted to the Vegas lab.
Ax was still in the same boat as Avery, trying to get the right people in place up in Montana before moving all of his stuff down. It was nice that they both staggered their visits because I would most definitely complain a lot more if they both were gone.
“Where's your stupid shadow? I thought he was already back.” I tightened my hand on his hair at calling one of my mates stupid, but his cranky voice had me taking a deep breath before I responded.
“Hey, no name calling. And he is back. Came in a few hours ago, and I convinced him that he needed to get a couple hours of sleep.” He huffed but didn't say anything more, moving his hand on my thigh for comfort. I knew he was tired and grumpy from the plane ride, but that was no reason for him to take it out on Lex.
I loved all of them equally. As much as a girl with five possessive, obsessive, and broody mates could.
He turned his head to face me. “I want to sleep with you tonight. I don’t care who's on the other side, but I need some cuddle time with you.” He slipped his hand between my thighs as his head slid forward, and buried his face between my breasts.
My breath hitched as I felt his fingers touch my sensitive nub. In a flash, he was out of his seat, wings out on display as he leaned into me, causing the back of my chair to tip back as far as it could go. His eyes flashed with a kaleidoscope of colors as he moved his wings to circle around us, causing our own little cocoon.
With my eyes stuck to his beautiful, iridescent wings, his lips found my neck as he rubbed his fingers in circles between my legs. “Touch them, fierce girl. They’re much more fun to touch than just stare at.”
I lifted my hand, starting at the base where his wings met his back, and traced a line down them. Avery shuddered as a soft moan slipped from his lips across my shoulder. “Rayla. Fuck. Please. Let me fuck you. Let me fuck you as you play with my wings, and I promise I will take you for another aerial sexcapade.”
That flooded my mind with all of the ideas I’ve been wanting to try. I flicked my fang with my tongue as I spread my legs wider. “Well then-”
A cool, sharp voice cut through the lust building between us, “The rule was that there was no fornication in the war room. It's a room for business.”
Avery sighed and slumped his head against my shoulder as he lowered his wing. “Fucking Winstale.” I chuckled against his neck, giving him a small kiss below his jaw. He groaned, his body tightening, hunkering down as if he was not about to give up his position. Falcon’s face pinched, taking a step just as Ax came in, hair wet from his shower.
“Oh, are we having a ‘fuck Rayla on the conference room table’ party?” He licked his lips, hands rubbing together as he looked around the room while Falcon’s eyes narrowed on mine. I winked at him. Placing my hand on Avery’s back, I eyed Falcon as I whispered in Avery’s ear.
“With how Falcon is staring at us, I think he has come up with a way to make himself have laser eyes. Let's live long enough for you to stay in my bed tonight. I want you to keep your promise.”