Page 4 of Syndicate Mayhem
He licked the shell of my ear, whispered, “It's a date,” then slouched in the chair next to me. His normally jolly smile was strained as he laughed through his teeth. “All right. What's so damn important?”
Ax slipped past Falcon as he was having a staring match with Avery, snagging the spot on the other side of me before Falconcould. Ax quickly pulled my hand in his, giving it a kiss. “Morning, Siren. You look good enough to eat. I wish the stick in the mud wouldn't have interrupted, then I could’ve found my in while the fairy was distracted.” I giggled because what else could I do when someone was that honest?
Falcon frowned as he deliberately sat down next to Avery, tablet in hand as he flicked his fingers across the screen. “Yes, setting rules for us when you band of brutes continuously try to occupy Rayla for frivolous reasons makes me a “stick in the mud”. Get over it.”
“Frivolous?!” Avery gasped. “I hope you know that what I do to make her scream like she’s a banshee taking down this house has nothing to do with frivolity.”
Cosmo walked in, glaring at the seating arrangement, but that's what happens when you don't get here early. Cosmo stomped his way over to my side, turned me in my chair and gave me a kiss full of tongue and longing. I melted like warm chocolate in my chair, wanting more, but I knew if I got it, I would be useless. “Good morning, Ray.” He tucked some hair back behind my ear before moving to the chair next to Ax.
“Show off,” Ax grumbled.
Ax was not the most romantic guy, and I noticed that if any of the guys did something more on the romantic side, he would make some kind of negative comment. At first, it didn't bother me, but now it's starting to rub me the wrong way.
“Hey! Showing off for me is always welcome and appreciated.” I winked at Cosmo, licking my lips as I cooed, “I think Cosmo should be on my other side tonight.” Ax’s mouth dropped open, about to complain, when Avery scoffed.
“Should've kept your big mouth shut, and then you would’ve had a chance.” Ax growled across the table at Avery’s words, and I about had enough.
I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled. “All right, guys. Stop. Falcon called us here to talk about something important.” I nodded to him to get going. If we had to wait any longer, these guys were going to start fighting again.
There were a few times that fists had flown, and it ended in a dog pile of guys punching and kicking, but I soon put my foot down and told them that if they continued like that, I would put them outside like dogs they were acting like. That got them to quit fist fighting real fast, but these underhanded jabs at each other were getting annoying.
“I'm still waiting for-” Falcon started, but Lex was at the door, shutting it behind him before he could finish.
Lex smiled brightly as he saw me, practically running to my side when he swiveled my chair and lifted me up for a bear hug. I instinctively wrapped my arms and legs around him, squeezing tightly.
He buried his nose into my hair. “Mmmm, fuck you smell so good. I want to devour you, my rose.” His hands started to drift down, his fingertips gripping my ass like I was trying to get awaywhen I was only trying to get closer to him. “Fuck. Next job, I think you should come with. You can play with the target until you get bored, and then we can split them apart and fuck in their pool of blood.”
Wetness pooled in my pants as I pictured the scene he described. He knew I would never turn down an offer like that. “Oh, fuck yeah!”
Lex’s hundred watt smile was so bright it almost blinded me. Lex had this way of capturing my full attention, making it feel like we were the only two people in the room with the way his eyes would devour me. It was intoxicating.
“Now that we are all here, we can talk about the problem we are having with the mayor.” Falcon did it again and threw ice cold water on my reunion with my demon mate.
I let go of Lex, hearing him cuss under his breath, giving me a longing gaze before he went to an available seat, knowing that I was now in Rayla Desmond boss mode.
“What the fuck do you mean we have a problem with the mayor? I just sent him some money for a library to be named after his idiot son.” My hands clenched, and my muscles grew taut. I was not the one to try and take advantage of.
I was already pissed about the whole deal I made with the mayor. He wanted to launch a big investigation into his son’s death, which he insisted was murder and not suicide like the paperwork said. He was convinced that it was someone in the paranormal community, no proof of course. He said it was justhis gut feeling. His conclusion was that because it was done so professionally, it had to be someone from the Syndicate.
I assured him that this wasn't the case. That even though I did talk to him the night of his death, which he could clearly see on the cameras in Club X, I had left Tre alive and well. The only hint it was someone from the paranormal community was the blur spell in place to block the face of the person who left with Tre.
I talked to him for hours, going around in circles with him until I convinced him that naming something important, something that would last the test of time and would help him and others, commemorate Tre’s life, and not dwell on his death. I offered to pay for the local library name to be changed and dedicated in his name. Saying that this will show that even if Tre and I had broken up, that we still had a strong bond and wanted the local community to know it. He wept in my office, telling me that he wished it worked out between us, that maybe if it had he wouldn't have been messing with the wrong crowd. I nodded as I kept my mouth shut, but what the possible fuck could he want from me now?
“Yes, well, I guess that wasn’t enough for him because he hired some spirit mage in Europe that told him it was a demon who killed his son.” Falcon turned his head to Lex, who simply grinned back.
Lex had fessed up as soon as it made the news that he was the one who did it. He said that he killed him because he didn't like his face and wanted it gone from this Earth, but I think he really did it because he knew that Tre betrayed me. I wasn't really that mad about it at the time, thinking it was actually kinda romantic. Plus, I also knew that if he didn't do it, Cosmowould’ve eventually, since he apparently ‘took care’ of all my other dalliances. I sighed and put my chin on my hands in frustration. This was why I didn't want them to kill him in the first place, all this shit storm for one idiot mistake of a dick.
“Sorry, not sorry.” He looked around the room and shrugged. I sighed as I sat back, trying to think of a new way to get out of all this.
Falcon nodded before he continued, almost like he was in silent agreement with Lex. “While Lex’s choice was idiotic and irresponsible-”
A knife landed with a thud right in front of Falcon’s tablet, Lex’s shadows slowly building around him as he glared at Falcon. “Next time, I won't miss,” the threat was clear.
“Hey, gu-,” I started, but Falcon barreled through my words.
“Did I say anything that was incorrect? From where I’m standing, you're only making more messes for us to clear up. There was a reason she told us not to kill him. Her foresight in this situation is impeccable.”
While he didn't look at me when he gave me the compliment, I will say that I tried to hide my smile in my hands. It was so cute when he was complimenting me. The only thing that ruined it was his backhanded diss to Lex, who was currently trembling with rage.