Page 52 of Syndicate Mayhem
“Well,” I gulped, “the next few months are going to be interesting.”
Chapter 2
“Get dressed, my fiercegirl, I'm taking you out tonight!”
Rayla looked up from her bed, legs crossed with her hair in a messy ashy bun as she violently flipped the page of the latest supernatural fashion magazine I got her. “Are you sure I’m even allowed to?” Her tongue ran over her teeth as she narrowed her eyes on me. “Ever since we found out I’m pregnant, youneanderthalshave been making me stay indoors like I'm some breakable doll!” She slammed her hands on both sides of the bed, glaring up at me like everything for the past two weeks had been solely my fault. I could take the blame for some of it, to be precise, one fifth of the blame, but that was it.
I leaned against the wall, watching my gorgeous mate in her furious glory, smirking at her sassy little mouth with those kissable lips I could never be tired of. “And that's why I'm taking you out to have some fun. The others don't have to know.” I mean, I did mention to them I was going out tonight . . . I just didn't tell them I was planning on taking Rayla with me.Damn it. Lex was rubbing off on me.
I wiggled my brows at her as I smirked, her eyes lighting up as she popped up onto her knees on the bed. “Really? I can get out of this mate prison?!”
Taking offense, I crossed my arms and frowned. “Mate prison? I don't think that’s a fair assessment . . . .” I pointedly looked around our lavish, enormous room with all the comforts she could possibly want at her disposal.
She slid off the bed, marched up to me as she scowled. “No. What's not fair is havingfive mateswho have now ganged up on me to keep me in this house under the guise of protection.” She added quotes and a roll of the eyes to that last word, but we really were trying to keep her and our baby safe.
I slowly slid my arms around her, smirking as I bent over to make a trail of kisses on her collarbone. “We just want to keep you and the baby safe. The doc said that since it was a vampire, the little magic bean inside of you was taking all of the blood you’re ingesting. That partnered with the regenerative blockers is making it so that your body is-”
She hissed in my ear, and I remember how she almost bit off Ax’s head, literally, when he called her body weak.
“Less healable?” My question had her lift her lip in disgust, but she let me keep kissing along her shoulder. I kept my head on today, so I was going to call that a win.
“I’m not even showing yet. It's not very real for me except for throwing up all the damn time.” She grumbled, her body sagging into mine, and I knew all her fire was draining out of her fast, so I took advantage.
“That's why, my fierce girl, I wanted to take you out dancing!” The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of changes. Our fathers and doctors telling her what to do and not do, as well as having macho, overprotective mates that were demanding she be with one of us at all times. I could tell she was trying to keep her cool for the baby, but her eyes would occasionally flash with anger, one that seemed to be pointed at everything and everyone. She probably hated all the changes currently going on in her life, and I wanted to help. Wanted to remind her that she was still herself, and herself just needed to have a little fun.
“Really?” She squinted at me like I was lying. “Like going out of this house and off this compound?”
Smiling down at her, I gave her my hundred watt smile and nodded. “Yes, Ray. You’re going to put on your best and sexiest Salsa dress, and we’re going to dance the night away.” I did a little foot action and booty shake, showing her the moves I had been practicing for just this occasion. I didn't want her and Rick to be the only ones to have this kind of fun.
“Ohhhh! Someone has been practicing!” She squealed before yanking her shirt off as she turned and ran off to her closet.“Nope. No. Not this one.” Clothes were flying out of the closet in rapid succession, and I bit my lip to keep my laugh from spilling out.
“My fierce love, do we need to go shopping? It looks like you dumped out your whole wardrobe.” I hopscotched my way over to the closet door just as her pale back appeared.
“I think this will work. What do you think?” My eyes were glued to the backless, deep red V of the dress she was wearing. The whole dress fit her like a glove, fabric holding onto her body for dear life as it went to her knees at an angle, ruffles on the end that would flare out when she twisted and twirled. Two thin straps barely wrapped around her arms, keeping the top up, and I licked my lips. My hands had a mind of their own as I traced one finger down the center of her back, causing her skin to jump. I liked that.
I felt a rapid thumping in the middle of my chest, right where our bond connected us, and I knew she was feeling just as affected as I was. I kneeled, my lips finding that spot where the fabric and her skin met, biting down right above her ass.
Her husky voice shuddered as she scolded, “Hey, don’t start that. I’ve been waiting forever to leave this place.”
My hands snuck underneath the fabric in the front, rising up as I stood. Cupping her large, heaving breasts, I whispered in her ear, “Then you shouldn't have worn this dress.” She groaned out, about to argue breathlessly when I cut her off. “We’ll be leaving here, I promise, but right now,” I unzipped myself as I yanked up the back of her dress. I exhaled when I saw she was goingcommando. “Right now, I need your body, just so that I don’t fuck you on the dance floor in front of everyone.”
“And would that be so bad?” She cooed as she shoved her ass against my rock hard cock.
I ran myself along her ass, tweaking her nipples as I shoved myself between her thighs, smearing her wetness all over my cock. “So soft. So fucking wet. I’m going to fuck you, Rayla. Then we’ll go dancing. I swear it.”
She giggled as she nodded, “I will hold you to that promise in blood.” She snagged one of my hands and sunk her fangs into my wrist. I moaned into her hair, taking in her scent as she filled herself with my blood.
“Also, if you ruin this dress, I will kill you.”
Resting my forehead on the back of hers, I took in another big whiff just as I positioned myself at her entrance. “Wouldn't dream of it, my fierce girl.”
Her cries filled the air, and I knew nothing could ever top the high I got when I was with her, my wife, my mate.
We were having a good time. I messed up a few steps, but I felt like I was holding my own. I had to remind myself that she wasalmost a fucking professional Salsa dancer, and I was just a little beginner, although Rayla never made me feel that way.
She would tell me how well I was doing and how she was excited to have another Salsa dancer in the family. I just wanted to see her smile again. I didn't care if I looked like an idiot or had to take a million dance lessons, her smile alone was worth all the effort.
The song changed as she twisted her hips, hypnotizing me as she circled around me. Her eyes penetrated my soul as she smirked, twisting around again before snagging the back of my head and slamming our bodies together.