Page 53 of Syndicate Mayhem
My dick, already half hard, rose to the attention her grinding pussy was giving us. Our bodies melted into one another, moving in a fluid motion like we were one. Digging my hands into her ass, grinding on her as neither of us lost eye contact was addicting. I was about to ask her if she wanted to move this to another place. The hotel across the street, the back alley, the fucking bathroom. I didnt give a flying fuck, but I wanted this dick-hypnotizing goddess again, right now, forever.
All of my rushed plans went down the drain as soon as some over-cologned mother fucker spun around next to us, and Rayla’s face pinched. It took only one second for her to cover her mouth, eyes widening as she turned and ran for the bathroom.
I ran after her, knowing what was coming and wishing that it was me that had to deal with this instead. Her heaving broke my heart as I stood guard at the door, hearing the gargled liquid plopping into the toilet. Morning sickness was a bitch.
She had been complaining to us that she felt fine, other than the morning sickness she would get, but it was getting worse and worse each day. Some days, it was a certain smell or action that could bring this up. Sometimes it was just the time of the day or something she ate that didn't agree with her, but every time, all of us mates winced, feeling terrible that we couldn't help her with this. That she was the one that had to suffer so much just to have our baby.
Of course, that was only the five of us. Her father, on the other hand, was a different story.
When he noticed that she was throwing up more frequently, he developed a bad habit of saying, “Looks like the baby disagreed”, “Oh, I don't think the baby liked that”, “Well, if that's what the baby wants.” She blew up at him the other day, telling him that if he didn’t shut his fanged mouth, she would use barbed wire to sew his lips together. That had him going quiet.
Some lady came over to the bathroom, and I growled at her, legitimately growling until she backed off, giving me a bewildered look. I was finding out that having a mate that was pregnant with your child was taking my psyche back to the old days of mates wanting to tear off anyone's head that stepped in their pregnant mate's direction. No one was going to get to her, no one.
A faucet turned on, and I stuck my head in the door, keeping my voice light, not wanting to wake up the rage monster. “Hey, Ray, can I get you anything?” She spit out some water, running red with my blood she ingested earlier as she glanced up at me, eyes back to glaring at everything that moved. Well, there goes our date.
She yanked on the paper towels, rubbing her hands together furiously. “Avery, why the fuck do they call it morning sickness when its really just at-the-drop-of-a-hat sickness? Huh?! Why is the world lying to women?!” She chucked the paper towels into the trash, hands clenching the edge of the counter as she kept her head down and cried out, “Why the fuck does this suck so much?”
My feet pushed me forward, circling my arms around her as she half-heartedly tried to push me away. “No. I just threw up. I fucking stink. It’s gross.”
“Then we’re going to be gross together,” I proclaimed, tightening my arms around my amazing woman. “I don’t give a shit. I fucking love you.” Tilting her head up, I wanted to make sure she looked in my eyes as I told her this next part. “You are growingourbaby in here.” I gently ran one finger over her flat stomach. “You’re fucking amazing. Nothing you do from now on will be too much, too gross, or will turn me away from you.”
Her eyes softened as they filled with vulnerability and she looked away. “Even if you don't know who’s baby this is? You won’t be disappointed in the baby . . . in me?”
I grabbed her head in my hands, gripping her hard enough for her to focus only on me as I kissed her gross, throw up mouth, whispering along her lips, “I know what I got into. Plus, that baby is mine. Is ours. I don’t give a shit if every single one of them has a baby with you before me, they’re allmybabies. I will cut anyone that even tries to say something different. They are a part of you, a part of us. Don't ever doubt the total devotion I have for you and our future children again.” Water gathered in her eyes as she saw the truth in my own.
“Gods, why the fuck am I being so crazy?” She let out an embarrassing laugh as her arms circled me.
I couldn't help it as I sassed, “I mean . . . you’ve always been a little-,” her eyes zeroed in on me as her nails dug into my back in warning. I chuckled. “It's just a different kind of crazy. A cute kind. The kind that drives all of us to be crazy, too.” I kissed her nose, and her lips twitched.
“I guess if I'm going crazy,” she rubbed her body against mine, her eyes giving me a salacious look, “then it's only fair that you all go crazy with me.” She tapped her chest, giving me the sign that I can open the bond and peek into her heart.
I focused, opening the bond like a door, and a flood of feelings swarmed me. Fear, anger, hurt, anxiety, need, want, future, happiness; all of them wrapped up around me, choking me just as she pulled back and shut the door.
“Yep. We’re going to be super crazy together. No one should have to feel that alone.” I rubbed my thumb along her cheek, letting her know that I was here, that none of that scared me. That even though she was this ultra badass women that could lead a gang of hardened men, she was also a woman that was having her body fucked with, feeling things she wasn’t used to, but that didnt mean she was any less than the stunning, amazing woman she’d always been.
She gave a tired sigh, leaning her head against my chest as she let me hold her. “Thank you, Avery. I love you.”
Her soft words made me choke up. “I love you, my fierce girl.”
She sighed again before wiping her face and looking up at me with clear eyes. “Let's go home . . . and maybe kill that fucker with the cologne. That was offensive on so many levels, not just to my pregnancy nose.”
I nodded, already planning on how I was going to serve up a piece of his body to her as a gift, after I washed off the cologne, of course. “You got it. One dead smelling fucker coming up.”
Chapter 3
“That’s not the rightkind of taco.”
My fist clenched around the white plastic bag.Calm down, Falcon. She is pregnant. She is the one that needs to be satisfied with the sustenance.Inhaling, I glanced down at Rayla, who was now toeing the perfectly fine taco away from her in disgust.
“I purchased this at Alma’s, just like you requested.” I was trying and failing to make some sort of sense about why she was refusing to eat the taco from the restaurant that she requested.
I would’ve gone to Nana’s, but she went on a two week vacation to Mexico to see some of her remaining members of her human family. Ever since then, Rayla has been practically intolerablewhen it came to her food, only wanting Mexican food but not being happy with anything we have returned with.
She got up off the couch, circling her arms around me as she spoke to my chest. “I know. I'm sorry.” Her small whine broke my indifference, and I sighed out, giving up on my resentment. It wasn't her fault. It was that damn fetus. That little vampire was starting to become a little demon in my eyes. Did the doctor get the testing wrong?
Tilting up her head, balancing her chin on my chest, she blinked those pleading rosy gold eyes my way. “I didn't know until I smelled it that it was wrong. The baby has a better sense of smell than I do.”
“Might as well be a fucking elephant.” I huffed under my breath, but even with her body being slightly weaker, it seems her hearing was just fine.