Page 103 of Stand and Defend
My head falls back, and I groan. “Why does everybody keep assuming that because I brought her home, we’re together? I invited her to Thanksgiving because her family is in Monaco.”
He laughs. “It’s got nothing to do with bringing her home, it has everything to do with the way you look at her. So if you want to make a move, you better let her know your intentions. She deserves to know if the guy who’s giving her a place to stay is actually crushing on her.”
“She just got out of a bad relationship.”
“So did your mom when I met her. You want my advice?”
“I have a feeling my answer to that question is irrelevant.”
“I love you, kid. But let’s face it, you have a reputation. You’re going to have to wise up if you want anything to do with her. That girl’s too smart for asshole hockey players with commitment issues—and she knows it too.”
Ugh, I know she does. She’s my newest addiction. I used to think hooking up with different women every night was the best. Zero commitment, zero responsibilities, and appeal. And I like it that way. Whatever it is that we make each other feel should be protected, not thrown out the next morning.
Would I miss the other women? Would I tire of monogamy? I think about the way her eyes sparkle after I kiss her or her smile when she’s reading a spicy book scene and thinks no one's watching.Never.
I clear my throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I’ve only admitted these feelings to myself, it’s hard to say them out loud.
He stares at me like he’s waiting for me to break. Well, this was fun. I stand and limp over to the doorway, still sore after our most recent game.
“You got it bad for her, huh?”
I turn to walk out the room.
“She’s good for you. Don’t lose that one.”
I won’t.
The Thanksgiving weekend game was horrible. I don’t know if we were still all slow from the fucking turkey or what, but we played sloppy. No one anticipated passes, including our goalies Strass and Kap. We lost 2-7. It was a joke.
The locker room is quiet as the ass whooping we received sinks in. What’s worse is knowing my family and Jordan were watching from home. Probably cringing since the first period.
Jordan: How are you doing?
Me: Shitty. Got our hat handed to us.
Jordan: We saw. I’m sorry.
Jordan: You had a great third period.
Me: Yeah. Ready to come home.
Jordan: You could probably get a pity blowfrom one of the bunnies.
I know she’s trying to cheer me up with a joke, but it pisses me off.
Me: Stop.
Jordan: No good?
Me: Rather have your pity blow.
Jordan: Yikes. That would be a pity.
Me: Quit with that self-deprecating shit. Wanna know something?